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Flash had his laptop set up on his desk playing a video from the Met Gala last night where Peter and Tony were being interviewed. Ned and Liz were sitting either side of him watching eagerly and being sat in front of MJ and I, we could see his screen along with them. Betty was on the other side of Liz leaning over too, she was kind of nice, kind of stuck up.

"He looks so good," Liz said seeing Peter on the screen with his Dad. I couldn't help but agree with her in my head, Peter looked fucking stunning. This years theme was 'Technology Era' and he just looked like a sexy robot in a suit that went from black to silver in an ombré design. Men don't really have extravagant outfits compared to women on the red carpet but man, I couldn't look away.

It was funny, the interview was mostly with Tony but he ended up calling Peter over half way through. Although you can see Peter talking to these models and celebrities before hand in the background and the look on Liz's face is priceless.

She's furious.

The interviewer mostly talked about how Stark Industries had probably inspired many of the looks seen last night and directed most of her questions at Tony. However, Flash told us all to shut up when a particular question was coming up.

"So, I'm assuming that you've both seen all of these Spider-Woman videos everyone is talking about online, what do you think of this masked vigilante? There have even been reports this lady has been saving small crimes around the city too... Do you think it's a special effects hoax or do you think we have a new super in our midst?" She smiled, holding the microphone out towards Tony.

"I think anyone who is saving crimes on their own accord and isn't a member of law enforcement or someone extraordinary like myself, is putting themselves and others in danger," Tony said diplomatically.

"But at the same time, I want to see these pretend superheroes keep up with the big dogs. I don't see any of the Avengers running around wearing a beanie with two holes cut out for eyes. I'm excited to see what this Spider-Woman does in the face of real danger," he joked, looking towards Peter and laughing.

"This guy right here has watched every video ten times over," Tony taunted, making Peter roll his eyes and laugh.

"I can't deny the fact that the spider lady has a great body... That's all I can say on the matter," Peter laughed.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Tony Stark has watched my videos and Peter just complimented me at the fucking Met Gala. Liz scoffed when Ned teased her that Peter was moving on and in love with Spider-Woman, she responded by saying that the woman beneath the mask was probably 40.

Sorry Liz, I'm 21 not 40.

Flash howled when a hungover Peter Parker drearily walked into the lecture hall with his hoodie on and sunglasses covering his eyes, again surprising me to why they were all showing up to classes now. I guess they realised they can't pass without a minimum attendance rate. Although, class had only about five minutes before finishing.

"My man! You look like you've just woken up... Busy night?" He smirked, insinuating that Peter had sex last night. Peter shook his head before he slumped in his chair and held his head against his palm.

"We just watched you talk so fondly about Spider-Woman and her 'great' body," Liz said bluntly, beginning to pack up her things to go home like the rest of us.

"Why are you even here? You missed the whole lecture," Ned laughed, Flash then explaining that he forged Peters signature on the attendance sheet.

"I have to pick up some stuff from the library," Peter said, getting a few lacklustre insults from Flash about being a nerd.

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