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After Matt Murdock left, Peter and Pepper and I stared directly at Tony in shock and lingering silence. Tony, who hadn't told us his thoughts or previous discussion with the lawyer, was blissfully unaware of our fear and leant forward to turn the television on.

"Uh, Tony? You wanna turn the TV off for a second and run us through what's going on?" Pepper said cheerfully, obviously cottoning onto the fact I had a warrant for my arrest and Tony seemed like he didn't care.

"Oh right sorry," Tony said chuckling to himself and turning the television back off. He turned towards us, who were all staring blankly back at him.

"Nothing changes. We're just going to keep doing our thing and keep you as our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Woman. I have a new suit for you to stay a bit more discreet, but that's it. You'll be fine, they can't arrest you. You're a superhero, they're just fucking cops. You're doing the job that they can't. If they arrest you, Matt will fix it all," Tony laughed.

Tony leant forward to turn the television on again before Pepper cleared her throat to signal that I was definitely not as relaxed as Tony about my potential arrest.

"What?" Tony muttered to Pepper as she glared at him.

"Oh! Right... I hope you guys used protection upstairs and made sure that there was explicit consent between both of you," Tony said looking towards me and Peter with a stern nod before smiling at Pepper for approval.

"We didn't-" Peter started.

"You didn't use a condom? Pete, come on man," Tony interrupted, fearful that his son made an informed decision and get a girl pregnant without heavy consideration.

"We didn't have sex," I corrected abruptly, thrown off not only by Tony bringing up sex so openly with his adoptive son and colleague, but bringing the topic up so randomly.

"Jesus... Tony, she's obviously worried about getting arrested. Can you please give the girl some reassurance?" Pepper said shaking her head at her husband.

"I just explained it though. Ugh... You're fine Y/N, you can keep doing your spider thing but I've got you a black suit to kind of blend in a bit more. Sound good?" Tony said casually, still confused at the fact we all weren't as relaxed as he was.

Pepper just shook her head and rested her head on the back of the couch, laughing at how much Tony was downplaying the situation.

"Well uh, okay... If you think there's nothing to worry about then I guess I'll just go to bed. Thanks for letting me stay over again," I smiled softly, standing up from the couch and waiting for Peter to follow me back upstairs. He sluggishly got off the couch, following me slowly.

"You don't need to thank us sweetheart, you stay over at least once a week now. Just rest up. And congratulations to both of you for graduating!" Pepper called out.

"Couldn't you have just acted a little more concerned just now Tony?" Pepper said looking at her husband who was also ready for bed. I'm not sure if she realises we can both hear them, but the house is so big that it takes a while to get to the staircase.

"What? If I made a big deal about it then they would have started freaking out. Then we'd have scared and distracted superheroes on our hands. It's like dogs and fireworks. If you coddle them, they start learning that fireworks are scary every time they happen," Tony shrugged.

"They graduated today sweetheart, they're not puppies dealing with fireworks. But I appreciate your intention," Pepper said sighing and kissing her husband on the cheek.

Finally getting upstairs, I walked straight to Peter's room rather than the spare room, sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at him wide eyed.

"Did you not find that super weird?!" I said laughing in disbelief.

"That theres a warrant for you to be arrested?" Peter questioned.

"That Tony started talking about sex and stuff... Like so openly," I exclaimed, shaking my head.

"Oh! Yeah him and I are pretty transparent about stuff like that. It's not like I tell him everything but like, I'll have passing comments mentioning different girls or whatever. And yeah, sometimes I guess he just straight up asks," Peter laughed.

I found it so bizarre, not only that Peter was so open with his father, but that Tony was that open in front of me too. I saw Tony like a mentor, a manager... And now the father of someone she was hooking up with. It was just too complicated to talk openly about.

"How many people have you been with anyway?" I asked casually, lying back on the bed and letting my legs hang off the side.

"How many do you think I've slept with?" Peter said sitting next to me on the end of his own bed, cradling his water bottle in his lap.

"Like... We'll you just graduated college so you're 21 now. I reckon you lost your virginity pretty early so... I dunno, like thirty?" I shrugged.

"Fuck you! You really think I've slept with thirty people already?" He said laughing and screwing his face up.

"You've hooked up with actual celebrities! You are a celebrity! You went to the fucking Met Gala... You're fucking Iron Man now... Your Dad is the playboy of his generation... I dunno... Twenty?" I guessed again.

"Four," he said.

"You've slept with four people? Seriously?" I said sitting up to look at him.

"Yeah, thirty was way off Y/N... You're the first person I've even slept with inside my own house. I just feel sleazy you know? Like, I don't shame anyone, Flash has definitely been with over thirty people but I guess I didn't want girls to think I was only sleeping with them to be a playboy or whatever," he shrugged.

"I just assumed you'd have slept with more girls. Wait, I've definitely heard stories from more than four girls," I scoffed.

"If it's fucking Suzie D'Angelis that you're thinking about, she's a fucking liar and I only took her to the bathroom at that party because someone threw up ok her shirt and I was helping her clean it. She told everyone we had anal sex it was really fucking weird," Peter interrupted quickly.

"Gross... And no, I just- I don't really know. I just am surprised to hear four. I'm at three, so we're kind of the same," I laughed, smiling softly.

"Speaking about these sorts of things... What was with before huh? I thought sleeping with me was a regret and then you're all thirsty and making out with me and putting your hands down my pants," he taunted.

"Shut up Parker, I initiated it, you agreed, we enjoyed it... End of story, let's just sleep."

"You're right, I definitely enjoyed it."

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