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I woke up in the morning with my legs tangled with Peter's and his arm draped across my stomach and under my pajama shirt. To be frank, I felt uncomfortable with him being so close, I guess I'm just feeling a bit self conscious. But he was asleep, he wouldn't think about the rolls of my stomach.

Peter's room always surprised me whenever I payed enough attention to it. I always noticed something new each time I looked around. This time for example, I noticed a framed photo on his desk of him, Tony and Morgan together. Peter was holding her on his shoulders and they looked like they were at Disneyland. She looked ecstatic in a sparkly pink dress and matching sequinned Mickey Mouse ears. Peter on the other hand, despite wearing plain black ears, was grinning ear to ear in front of the infamous Cinderella castle. Tony, being ever so humble and discreet, was standing next to them in limited edition Iron Man coloured Mickey ears and posing like his alter ego.

I'm pretty sure Disney approached Tony to make a movie about his life. It's not out yet but I remember Peter talking to Flash and Ned about how it was like an autobiographical film. Pretty fucking cool.

I turned my head gently to not cause him to stir, looking at the boy asleep facing me. I couldn't help but notice the way his lips were parted ever so slightly. How his cheeks flushed a light pink from the warmth of the two of us curled up together under the covers. How his hair flopped down onto his forehead gently with the rest of it pushed up against the pillow.

I slowly reached for my phone on the bedside table, unlocking it to take a photo of Peter cuddling me to send to MJ. Honestly, I feel kind of bad for not meeting up with her in ages; I miss hanging out with her.


Okay what the actual fuck
is going on

Is that his bed?

Did you guys sleep together

Also what's with the mayor
wanting to arrest you?

Also I slept with Ned oops

No regrets though

I'll swing by later and we can
grab thai food or something


I turned back to face Peter, admiring his good skin and chiseled bone structure. Fucking lucky.

The subtle curve of his nose was something I hadn't noticed, I mean I never really focus on peoples noses except for mine. Not that I look at my nose a lot, just you know, in the mirror. Still with his eyes closed he inhaled deeply before asking me why I was staring, his voice croaky and lower than usual.

"What? I-I'm not staring at you. Plus, I didn't even know you were awake," I whispered.

"I can feel the air from your breathing on my face," he said groaning as he buried his face into the pillow.

"Oh ew, sorry for the morning breath," I said turning away from him in embarrassment as I spoke.

"I meant from your nose, calm down," he chuckled, taking another deep inhalation to wake himself up before opening his eyes and moving his arm from my waist.

He did the same as most people our age do when they first wake up: check their phones straight away. He squinted when he saw he had multiple snapchats from Flash at some sort of graduation party last night that neither of us attended.

"He's such a douche," he groaned, tapping through the videos without watching them. I couldn't really make out what was happening in them except for Flash filming himself drinking and smoking the whole time.

"He doesn't even look high in these," I scoffed, rolling onto my side to look at the videos closely as Peter and I examined them.

"Yeah, he just pretends to inhale the smoke. He does it with cigarettes too. It's hard to catch with cigaretttes but with weed he claims he's 'super baked' and his eyes aren't red or anything," Peter said tapping through the rest of them and exiting the app all together.

"Holy fuck you have a lot of notifications... As if you don't clear them out," I chuckled, seeing the multiple little red bubbles on each of his apps.

"That's how many notifications I get in one night. It's kind of insane," he said shaking his head and going on Instagram. I hadn't realised it before, but Peter Parker was fucking verified... He had the blue tick and everything. I think I follow him but I hadn't really noticed the tick, I mostly just scrolled past his rich kid posts with thousands and thousands of likes.

That's when I saw a notification pop up on his phone that made my stomach turn inside out.

morning daddy x

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He swiped them away and kept scrolling on Instagram, obviously knowing that I had seen them even before he rushed to stop them. I rolled away from him, which made him sigh and turn towards me.

"It's not what you think," he sighed again.

"And what do I think?"

"That I'm seeing Liz Toomes or something, cos I'm not. We've made out and that's it," he clarified.

"I've made out with you and I don't call you Daddy. I've made out with quite a few peoples and I haven't called any of them Daddy either," I retorted, looking at him and trying to figure him out.

Was he still a fuck boy? I mean, I can't really be angry about him texting other girls because him and I have only ever hooked up twice. There's nothing between us, but still it stings to see. He said he'd only slept with four people last night. Was he lying?

"Look, me and her used to sext and send nudes and like naked videos and whatever. That's why she was always hanging around me at college because she thought we were dating when I just wanted to message someone to get off at night. You can go through my messages and see for yourself but I haven't messaged her for over two weeks," he said holding his phone out.

"No thanks."

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