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"So, what's your plan huh? First day on the job and you're already scrutinising me, I hope you know what you're doing," I said on a call to Peter between my suit and his. I was swinging from building to building as he flew effortlessly to Town Hall. Peter was supposed to be seen, I was not.

The whole way here he was just taunting me, trying to figure out who I was by insulting me or putting me down. He is even more of a douchebag than I thought he was.

"Don't act like you're a fucking professional, you've just been saving petty crimes around New York City," he scoffed back, landing in front of Town Hall and waving to the crowd that were taking photos and squealing at him. It annoyed me that I could see what he was doing through the lenses in my suit, so I turned the camera off and just had his audio.

"At least I've actually earned my suit, you just got adopted into yours," I said landing on the roof of a nearby building and watching him take selfie's with civilians. He had his mask on so he could still talk to me without anyone hearing but he was still posing.

"Fuck you, you're not even an Avenger. I am," he said making his way into the building. I asked Karen to activate incognito mode in my suit, turning it to a stealth black colour instead of the usual bright red and blue.

"I'm going to go through the air vents, I'll let you know if I hear anything. Make sure you ask Fisk to give you a tour of the building and we can see if any of the rooms or areas are red flags," I said, distracting one of the guards in the back car park by flinging webs at some nearby trash cans. I needed to get into the building first before I could get into the air ducts.

Like clockwork, my plan executed itself well, the trash can falling over and the guard meandered his way over to see what happened. He looked around, cursed under his breath about 'damn raccoons' and by the time he made his way back to his post, I was inside the building.

"How come you're the one who gets to come up with the plan? For all I know, you could just be a fucking poser in a Stark made suit," He whined, greeting Mayor Fisk in the entrance foyer.

"Because Tony said you're just the distraction and I'm the one getting valuable information. So just do your job and look pretty whilst I actually do something worth while," I whispered, flinging open the vent and jumping up, closing it slowly after I was inside.

"Come on Peter my boy, you don't need the mask around me," Fisk said, laughing with Peter as I rolled my eyes at their dumb manly jokes. Without Peter wearing the mask, he wouldn't be able to talk to me. Fuck. He better be smart enough to give me hints in their natural conversation.

He wasn't particularly all that useful in this mission.

He just kissed Fisk's ass and received the tour around Town Hall. He laughed, joked around and did what he had to do. Me on the other hand, crawled around and tried to see through the vents at any suspicious activity.

It was the usual stuff you'd think would be inside a political office building. People at desks, people with paperwork, people in meetings, people drinking coffee, people moving drugs into black bags... Wait.

I sent a drone to slowly crawl down through the vent to film the three men inside a small room. One was guarding the door, the other two were loading bricks of cocaine into a duffle bag. I knew that if I pushed my luck and tried to take them down, it would jeopardise Peter and I, so I retrieved my drone back into my suit and crawled back through the vents to where I had started.

"Peter, I know you can hear me... we need to get out of here. We've got enough information for today," I whispered, spying through the vent to see two men having a conversation in the hall where I would have liked to jump down into to leave.

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