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"And he didn't even act ashamed of it! He just walked out casually and she's all like, oh we slept together, and he's just chilling making a coffee!" I ranted at MJ after I found her at the bar, ordering drinks.

The arcade she was at was the same one the four of us went to, her, Ned, Peter and I. It's not particularly close to where MJ and I live at all, but it's one of the best adult arcades in New York; meaning there aren't kids and you can drink alcohol.

"And she just decides to come and watch me train?! What type of fucking psycho does that! Does she want to try and get inside my head or something?" I exclaimed, following MJ as she carried a drink in each hand back through the arcade games and various bar tables, lounges and booths.

I didn't even realise the fact she was holding two drinks until she stopped at a booth where Ned was sitting with a confused look on his face; making me realise that I had crashed their date and MJ was just too nice to say anything.

"Oh fuck... I am so sorry guys, I-I didn't think you were on a date MJ," I apologised, holding my hands to the sides of my face in remorse.

"Well... You never asked, and I also didn't think you'd show up here when I said I was at the arcade. And then you found me at the bar and started ranting and didn't give me a second to explain why I was here," she said sliding into the booth next to Ned as he slung his arm around her.

"Fuck, his is so embarrassing. I'm just going to go, this is really weird. I'm sorry guys," I whined, cringing at myself.

Who in their right mind asks someone 'where are you' and then shows up unannounced? I'm going insane.

"Girl, seriously. You need to go home, spend time away from the compound and just focus on you. Download Tinder or Hinge or something, go live your life and catch a dick," she laughed, putting the straw to her lips and sipping her drink.

"Is this about Peter? Yeah, he's an idiot when it comes to girls he gets feelings for. He's smooth when the girl doesn't matter, like if it's a random hook up, but when he actually spends time with someone his brain just fucking disappears," Ned laughed.

I nodded, apologised to both of them for accidentally crushing their date and left them alone. MJ was right, I need to go home and just focus on my actual life. I'm Spider-Woman yes, but I need a day job. I need to actually do something now that I've graduated college. All I've been doing since graduation is hang out at the Stark house.

Maybe I can volunteer with Aunt May at FEAST during the day until I get some job interviews or something. I'm sure she'd love that. And the people living at FEAST would love some extra company too. It's honestly incredible how much May gives to that organisation, she really is the kindest soul I know.

"Fuck that! You need to shake it more dude!" I heard someone shout from one of the arcade machines.

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm shaking it!" Another guy shouted back, alerting me to turn around and see a group of semi-drunk boys around the same colourful flashing game.

I have to admit, it made me kind of laugh because I knew how shocking that one machine was at dispensing the prize tickets at the end. It always got caught and never gave you the right amount of tickets. MJ refuses to play it anymore because it's broken.

"Shaking it won't work!" I called out to them, walking over slowly as they all turned around and stared at me.

"This machine always sticks... I uh, I know a way to get your tickets though... My friend and I come here a lot," I said as they parted ways to let me through to the machine where I crouched down.

It's funny, since getting my powers, I've figured out that I can stick to things; walls, ceilings, you know, spider shit. But another perk, is that stuff sticks to my finger tips. So, I pinched my fingers against the jammed up paper ticket and managed to pull it out. Of course, the normal person wouldn't have enough of the paper ticket to grip, but that's where my powers came in handy.

A stream of tickets came pouring out of the shoot, unravelling one by one, over and over. And of course, the drunk guys around me started cheering around me. I don't think they won that many tickets, but since I unjammed it, the machine spat out way more than it had to.

"Fuck, how did you do that! We were trying to pull it the whole time but it was so tiny!" One of the guys said as I stood back up.

He was tall, lanky but had toned muscles and he had floppy brown hair. He had dimples too which was strange considering he had quite a slim face. He was attractive. And he was dressed really well. Like, very well.

"Small girly fingers I guess," I smiled, handing the ream of tickets to him as they looped and tangled their way around our hands.

"I owe you for this," he grinned.

"No, honestly it's fine, I just know that machine is a bitch to play," I laughed.

"Let me pay you back at least," he insisted.

He pulled one of the silver arcade tokens from his pocket and held it out for me. Although, I was on my way out so I declined and told him to keep it. But fuck, this guy was adamant on paying me back.

"Let me use the tickets to get you something then, to say thank you," he laughed, eagerly going over to the prize desk and looking at what he could redeem them for. Honestly, I was just laughing at this tipsy guy being so strong willed about paying me back for some dumb game tickets.

He came back over to me with his hands behind his back, a dumb intoxicated grin planted on his face.

"You seriously don't have to do this. You should just save them and get a better prize," I laughed.

"Nah, nah, nah. I'm not here to seriously play for prizes. My mate is getting married and we took him here to make fun of the fact he's kissing his youth away by settling down. Poor bastard got engaged so early," he laughed, pulling the prize from behind his back.

I giggled at what all those tickets got him: a small Hello Kitty toy and a shitty plastic slinky. Seriously, arcades always have the worst prizes for the most amount of tickets. Whenever MJ and I came here, we'd either end up with a shitty pencil eraser or a jar of slime. And we'd play with them for two minutes and then throw them out. Ned on the other hand, saved his tickets every time to try and get the biggest prizes on offer. That's the smarter way to approach arcades.

"To say thank you," he smiled, giving me the toys and laughing at how dumb this whole thing was.

"I'll treasure them forever," I joked, holding them up to my heart and smiling.

"You're welcome...." He said dragging out his sentence since he didn't know my name.

"Y/N," I smiled.

"I'm Harry. Well Y/N, it was lovely to see your tiny girly fingers work their magic, but I should probably go back to my dumb friends now," he shrugged.

"I have to head home now too... It was nice meeting you though. Remember not to use that machine, the rest are all fine though!" I said walking backwards a little to part ways and end the conversation.

"I'll keep it in mind next time when I bring you here for drinks," he said trying to hold back a smile with his hands in his pockets.

He was cute, a little awkward but still charismatic. I couldn't really tell if his demeanour was due to the alcohol or the situation or if thats just what he was like. He kind of seemed like someone who wouldn't be this confident without the alcohol, so maybe having a few drinks in his system was doing him well.

"Is that so?" I taunted.

"I mean... If I had your number I'm sure we could set up a time to make it happen," He said holding back a smile. I smiled back, holding out my phone for him to add himself as a contact. And he did.

"Well then, I guess you'll text me later?" He said walking backwards towards his friend group with a grin plastered on his lips.

"I guess I will," I smiled, walking backwards towards the exit before waving and turning on my heels to leave. And I couldn't wipe the smile off my face once I had left either.

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