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"These guys are heavily armed and my radars are showing there could be potential explosives in range. One wrong step and we could trigger them so remember our main objective, apprehend the foreign object and get out of there," Tony said to us through our headsets. Although we were preparing to take on a warehouse full of dangerous men, Tony was comfortably and safely waiting in the Quinjet outside sipping his cold brew coffee and giving us directives.

"What's that in the background? Can you turn it off so we can actually hear you properly or are we just going to have this annoying buzzing in our ears?" Natasha said back to him.

"NBA Semi finals!? I placed a bet with Phil, I have to watch it," he chuckled, the slurping sound of his straw echoing in all of our ears.

Peter, Nat and I had been flown to an abandoned lot in Harlem after we received reports of alien radioactivity from SHIELD. Of course, we didn't think actual aliens had arrived on Earth because they definitely wouldn't be this discreet. Tony suspects that it could be a new chemical compound that someone has created or that it could be alien residue from an asteroid or previous battle.

There were multiple buildings across the city that had traces of this foreign material and our group of heroes had all split up to take them down simultaneously. We didn't want to strike only one base initially and tip the villains off about our whereabouts.

Tony kept pretty safe on missions since his retirement but he couldn't help himself when it came to tagging along, especially with Peter and I being so new. Like he said, he wanted to be 'the guy in the chair' for us all. It was helpful though, having a set of eyes looking holistically at the battle sites rather than being in the middle of the action.

Natasha and I were positioned either end of the lot. She was on the ground whereas I took the roof. As a team we worked in sync, sneaking around and following Tony's directions to this apparent foreign object. The warehouse looked like some sort of criminal operation with a plethora of weaponry being assembled. Natasha whispered over the radio for us to stay in the dark and not alert the men to our presence.

Of course, Peter took it upon himself to blast his way into the warehouse, alerting all of the men inside to the fact he was trying to take them down. Their guns fired towards him, although being bulletproof proved efficient as he just stood still in front of them.

Tony pinpointed the location of the foreign material shortly after and I promised Natasha I would keep her covered as she ran through the warehouse towards the large crate. I shot webs towards anyone who noticed her or raised their guns toward her, although most of the criminals inside were focused on the big dumb metal man ruining our entire operation.

"I can't open it! Pete you need to shoot at it," Natasha said over her headset, fighting one of the men who tried to fight her in hand to hand combat; dumb fucking move. Nobody beats Nat when it comes to close contact fighting.

"I'm kind of busy here!" He responded back, fighting about fifteen men at once.

"No don't! Don't shoot at it! I can see from behind here that there's wires from the back, it's rigged to explode," I yelled, flipping down to the ground before Karen's system ran a diagnostic examination on the high tech security locks on the crate.

I sent one of my small drones to go inside the wiring of the lock and disable the detonation device, flipping backwards to help Natasha fend off the armed men swarming around her. As much as I hate to admit it, Peter ruining our sting operation worked in our favour, majority of the men ran out of ammunition and were forced into hand combat; something Natasha and I could succeed in.

"Detonation device now safely disabled," Karen said inside my suit, alerting me to now swing over to the crate, take out the small glowing tube of liquid and tell Tony over the headset that we had acquired the foreign material.

"Alright team, get out of there. No need to keep on injuring these idiots just for fun," Tony said, lowering the Quinjet down to the ground as the three of ran from the warehouse back onto the plane.

It was a quick mission, mostly just thugs inside the warehouse obviously being instructed by someone bigger above them. It was relatively smooth until it was ruined by Peter who had now potentially made our lives harder in the future. And I was furious. Obviously I couldn't go off at him in front of Tony and the other heroes but fuck, did I want to.

"You realise the mission was to get in and get out without really being seen right? You were meant to stay outside unless things got messy," I snarled at Peter who was sitting opposite me on the plane.

"Yeah, well lucky for you, they all wasted their bullets hitting my suit and you and Nat were able to do your bendy flexible fighting thing behind them and get the chemical liquid thing. Without me, you'd have a bullet hole or two, so a simple 'thank you' would be nice," he responded.

"How about next time you tell us before you waltz in and make the whole fight the fucking Peter show and we can avoid being your little side characters," I scoffed, the plane stopping off at Stark's house first as the three of us got off, saying goodbye to everyone.

Tony just laughed to himself whenever Peter and I said snarky comments towards each other, never stepping over the line and saying something that Tony would intervene for.

"You can ask Happy to drive you home or you can crash the night here kid, you know where the guest room is," Tony smiled, opening the door for Peter and I to enter like sulking kids in silence. Morgan hugged all of us, me before Peter, before Pepper poked her head out from the kitchen and smiled.

"Success?" She asked in referral to the mission whilst cocking her eyebrow.

"We're alive aren't we? But yes, we acquired all the tubes of that suspicious liquid SHIELD had located. They'll run tests on them tonight. But these two haven't stopped bickering the entire way home... Makes me wonder if Morgan would be more mature coming with us next time," he chuckled, kissing Pepper gently before scooping Morgan up over his shoulder.

"Say good night to Pete and Spider-Woman," Pepper said as she and Tony walked towards Morgan's room to tuck her in.

"Bye best friend, bye Peter!" She waved, the three of them disappearing down the hall as Peter and I walked the opposite direction.

"Best friend... She doesn't even fucking know you. You know, there's nothing stopping me walking into your room in the middle of the night and seeing your real identity," Peter scoffed, walking behind me as we turned towards the bedrooms.

"How do you know I don't sleep in the suit? You step one foot into my room and I'll fucking kill you," I said without turning around.

"I'd like to see you try. Tonight was fucking pathetic, all you did was crawl around some walls whilst Nat and I were the ones actually fighting those pricks," he said before I stopped walking to turn around.

"I'm sorry, who's the one who got given a shiny new suit for no reason and doesn't fucking listen to anyone? You almost got us killed tonight all because of what? You wanted to show off and have some fucking big dick energy? That's pathetic, we're supposed to be a fucking team," I snarled, facing him as he leant against his bedroom door cockily.

"I'm sorry, 'we'? As far as I'm aware, you're not even a legitimate part of the Avengers... You're still on probation," he said, his voice like pure venom as he glared at me. His eyes were dark, filled with pure hatred as I slammed my hand towards him and gripped his neck with my fingers.

"Fuck you." I hissed, choking him tightly as I tried to assert my dominance to a man who obviously would never feel inferior to me.

"Is that a threat or a request?"

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