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"Let me guess, you're going to pick one of two movies. The first is something overtly sexual in an attempt to get both of us horny and replicate what happened the other night which was in fact, a complete mistake. Or, something neither of us would actually be interested in in an attempt to get us both horny and replicate what happened the other night. Which like I said before, just repeating it again for good measure, was a complete and utter mistake," I scoffed, crossing my arms and slumping onto the living room couch.

"Dude, my parents are home," he scoffed back, as if to say 'I have morals' for not doing anything sexual with them being home.

"Yeah like that would stop you," I huffed.

"It definitely would stop me. I've never even brought a girl home to them let alone slept with one whilst they were here," he said shaking his head at me and flicking through Netflix.

"Bullshit, I've seen photos of you making out with Dua Lipa at a club. And you took fucking Madelyn Cline to the engineering gala at college last year," I rebutted.

"Okay? Your point? I didn't fuck either of them, nor did I let them into my house," he said without looking at me, still invested in finding a film to watch.

"Oh so being let inside this place is a privilege? Wow I'm so honoured Peter, I truly am," I said, my words dripping with sarcasm.

"Do you know how much I'd cop from Tony if I brought someone home? He'd expect me to bring home some supermodel and Pepper would expect me to get married to the girl. So no, but I fingered Dua Lipa in that club bathroom and I made out with Madelyn out of pity after she asked me on a second date and I said no," he said lying down across the couch he was on and kicking off his shoes.

He spoke so casually, as if what he just said wasn't completely self-righteous and narcissistic. After the arcade, Ned insisted he escort MJ home for 'safety' but considering they left hand in hand, we both assumed it was to potentially hook up. Peter drove him and I back to his house which I sat silent for the entire way.

"Let's be honest with each other right now, we are not going to sit through a whole movie together in this room," he said tossing the remote down onto the coffee table and rolling over to face me on the adjacent couch.

"See? You do just want to try and fuck me again," I said rolling my eyes.

"What? No I was referring to the fact you won't fucking shut up about how pissed you are at me that I didn't recognise you from class. Which by the way, is kind of easy to do considering we've spoken like twice and each time you've said like five words," he shrugged.

"I'm pissed off because you sat in your room drunkenly crying to me about how you put on this fake facade all the time about pretending to be popular and mean and all that bullshit, but you don't even try to change it. How do I even believe all that?" I retaliated.

"You think I whipped out fake tears whilst drunk out of my mind just to cry in front of Spider-Woman? What could I possibly have gotten out of that? And what do you think I'm doing right now? I'm trying to change and talk to you about me being an asshole and apologise to you for being such a dickhead," he whined.

He did seem sincere, I'll give him that. If he really was such an asshole, he wouldn't be trying this hard.

"Fine. We graduate in a week. Be the real Peter for that one week, and then you're away from the shitty college life you've created for yourself so you can start clean. Be yourself and prove to me you didn't lie about that dorky nerdy side to you and then I'll forgive you," I snapped.

"I'll be real for the last week of college and then, you go out with me properly. Dinner. A nice one. In public. With me. As the real Peter. And as the real Y/N. Deal?" He smugly responded.

"Deal," I agreed, reaching forward for the remote in front of him and putting on one of my all time favourite movie; Step Brothers.

Morgan came bouncing down the stairs shortly into the movie, running towards me and jumping up onto the couch.

"Hey best friend!" She yelled, causing Peter to shush her and tell her that it was 'movie time and movie time is quiet time'. Peter was also mouthing half of the movie dialogue to himself which I secretly found kind of cute.

Despite Peter being obnoxiously narcissistic and all around irritable to be around, I was still attracted to him. I'd fuck him again in a heartbeat. It was the best sex I've had in a long time, if not maybe the best sex ever. I'd never tell him that and inflate his ego, but it definitely wasn't a regret.

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