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Peter was quick to pull me over to his side of the bed and manoeuvre us both into a comfortable position to continue kissing. I know that in my head, I don't want to give him too much already. I mean, I know that I was wrong to have been such a bitch to him these past few weeks but I didn't want him to think I was wrapped around his finger.

He was on his back, his arm wrapped around my waist with his fingertips drawing delicate patterns on my hip. As for me, I was kind of on my side leaning against his torso with my leg bent and resting against his thigh. He did initially pull me towards him a little more eagerly, making me assume that he wanted me to be on top of him; but not yet Parker, I'm not letting us get that heated tonight.

His hand trailed down to my ass, slipping under the waistband of my pajama pants and resting on the bare skin before squeezing the cheek. He couldn't resist, he was such a handsy person at the best of times, I knew that a subtle make out session wouldn't be enough for him.

"I missed this," he muttered deeply against my lips, our breathing hot and heavy and our eyes still closed. Well, I assume his were closed, it would be a little weird if his eyes were open right now.

"Did you?" He asked, after a lingering silence, pulling away from me and looking at me gently.

"Aw look who's gotten all soft and mushy," I taunted quietly, smiling and leaning forward to rest my forehead against his.

"I just missed you that's all, that doesn't make me soft all of a sudden does it?" He whined jokingly whilst scrunching his nose in a smile.

"I like this soft side to you though, I don't get to see it very often," I sighed in content, shuffling my body down to rest my head on his shoulder.

"Not many people do," he said quietly turning towards me and kissing my head before sticking his tongue out and coughing saying he had my hair caught in his mouth.

Peter laughed as he tried to fish the strand of hair from his mouth and flicked it away as he fixed the blankets over us again. Admittedly, they had gotten a little messed up with all of our kissing.

"I know this isn't really my place to say especially right now but uh, what's the deal with the guy you were texting? I uh, I just want to know where I stand like, if you're seeing someone I want to know," Peter said quietly, rolling over to turn the lights off for bed.

Fuck. I forgot that I still had to reply to Harry. Fuck.

"I never even got to the stage where we went on a date, we have just been texting here and there," I shrugged.

"You haven't gone on a date yet? Why not?" Peter said rolling over to face me in bed.

"I think I've been blowing him off a bit without realising... Like I always had excuses to not see him... Maybe my mind was telling me he wasn't the right guy and I just wasn't picking up on the signs. You know it's hard to see someone when you spend every night in a Spider suit protecting the city, it's not really someone you can disclose with a boy on a first date," I chuckled nervously, reaching over to grab my phone from the bedside table.

"I totally get that, I can't imagine what it would be like having such a big part of your life kept as a secret from someone," he said nuzzling his face half into the pillow and watching me.

God damn it, he is so cute when he does shit like this. I really like the cuddly soft side to Peter, it's endearing. I'm obviously not complaining about the confident side to him that just exudes sexual energy all the time, but the soft side makes me feel special. Especially since he doesn't show it to everyone.

I looked at the messages that I had to respond to, the first message was one that I had read and left on seen. The second message, was the one Peter and I ignored before making out; the one I hadn't yet seen.

Your pic looks like it..

You know there's no point in
lying to me if you're there or
not I'd rather you be honest
so I can stop wasting my
time in a girl who obviously
isn't interested in me

How would I even get inside
a place like that? The security
levels would be insane

Does Avengers Compound even
have bedrooms? Hahaha

If you're screwing Peter Parker
it would make sense how you'd
be allowed past the security


Am I wrong though?

He posts on Instagram stories a
lot about being at the compound
and it looks exactly like where you
are in the photo you sent me

To be completely honest, I was starting to get a little weirded out about how intense Harry was about pinning me to this location. I mean, I've done my fair share of Instagram stalking before and connected the dots about people but this, this is a lot to say to someone you've only just been talking to.

Just curious because you said
you weren't seeing anyone when
we first started texting

And you said you were into me

And I thought that sexting late
at night telling me you wanted
to see me was you being interested
as well?

So I'm just wondering how many
lies you've told me...

I work for Tony Stark and you
know this though?

I smiled to myself as I felt Peter's hand start prodding my cheeks, playing with my face out of boredom. He asked me what I was talking to 'lover boy' about and I told him I was telling him I wasn't interested anymore. With a quick 'yikes poor guy', Peter continued to squish my face whilst I texted.

Why would Tony stark let some
junior employee into a high
security sanctum? It just doesn't
add up Y/N

I'm not sure what you want me
to say right now?

I feel a little cornered tbh

Just tell me if you're screwing
Peter Parker and that's that. I'll
stop messaging and whatever
this is can be over

I looked up at Peter who chuckled to himself and asked me if I was okay, I nodded and looked back down at my phone. As kind as Harry was, and as well as we got along, I couldn't tell him the real reason I had access to Avengers Compound. So I had to lie and tell him what he wanted to hear.

I guess this is over then

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