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"Do you really think it's a good idea for us to be going to this party? Are we even properly invited?" I asked MJ, fiddling with my fingers in the Uber we had taken from closest station.

"Ned told me that both of us should come. And he's Peter's best friend so I'm sure he'd be across the guest list. Plus, it's a Stark party... You can't say no to this," MJ said looking out the window.

"It's not a Stark party, it's Peter Parker throwing a party whilst his parents are interstate..." I followed, nervous at the fact that I'd be in Tony Starks personal home without his knowledge; alongside the rest of the party guests.

"Oh come on Y/N! You're just nervous because Tony is basically like your boss... He probably won't even care that Peter is throwing a party, we all know what Tony was like at our age," MJ laughed, getting out of the Uber and walking up the long drive way.

There were people walking up the driveway in front of us, the thumping bass from the speakers inside resonating through the air already as we followed the crowds. I adjusted my hair, looked at MJ nervously and groaned.

"What?" She asked, annoyed at the fact I was so reluctant to come to this party with the new and definitely not improved Iron Man.

"He's just so annoying, he always acts like he's better than me. We've only had two missions, both surround a mayor Fisk and he's been a complete asshole. Like we're both new heroes, wouldn't he want to stick together?" I sighed, looking behind me to check nobody was close enough to hear.

"Well it's just Peter at this party, not Iron Man and Spider Woman. Just get drunk, have fun and see where the night takes you," MJ said smiling and pulling a small bottle of vodka from her bag. She took a swig before passing it to me with a screwed up face.

I didn't have the heart to tell MJ I couldn't get drunk anymore, I was just planning on telling her tomorrow when we both woke up and I wasn't hungover. I'd just pretend to be in shock and go 'oh no the spider senses mustn't let me get drunk' and go along with it. She was so excited to go to this party, I didn't want to ruin it for her by being sober.

"That tastes like petrol," I coughed, passing back the cheap alcohol.

"Yeah it's the cheapest bottle I could find," she laughed, putting it back in her bag as we made out way inside. The pristinely luxurious house that I had only been to twice, looked completely different when it was filled with people. I barely recognised half of the guests, did they go to our college?

"Fuck, do you think famous people could be here?!" MJ yelled over the music, both of us trying to find a place to put our bags before finding drinks.

"Maybe?" I yelled back, reluctant to put my bag down considering I had my suit in it. I had put it inside a black plastic bag and then inside a small cosmetic bag, then inside my handbag; invade anyone happened to raid it. I took my suit everywhere now, I'm scared that I'd be caught without it at a time I needed it most.

"You guys are so fucking late!" Ned grinned, throwing his arms around MJ drunkenly and then me. MJ seemed to be okay at the fact he was hugging me but Ned Leeds had never had hugged me in my life. He told us that we could put our bags in Peter's room, away from 'the fucking trash' which I assume were just people he didn't like. We followed him, MJ pointing out expensive objects in the house as I pretended to have never seen them before in front of Ned.

Although, I was genuinely surprised being inside Peter Parker's room for the first time. I expected it to be different really, I expected there to be no mess, perfectly designed and probably filled with hot women - I don't know.

It had a desk with stacks of textbooks, a laptop with sticky notes on the screen and a bunch of pens strewn along the table top.

It had a pair of tracksuit pants and a t-shirt on the floor and a pair of underwear thrown in the corner, missing the washing basket.

It had a large king bed, messy and unmade with another textbook laid open and faced down on the sheets. His bedside table had a box of tissues and a blue lava lamp. Which is weird because I haven't seen a lava lamp in years and I can't imagine where on earth you'd buy one nowadays.

As much as it was surprising to see the inside of Peter Parker's room, it humbled him ever so slightly; he was just a normal guy. Of course the room was probably more expensive than my entire apartment, but it didn't match the cleanliness and designer aspect of the rest of the house.

"Nobody else can come up here so just sneak up if you guys need to get to your bags," Ned told us as we left, walking down the corridor to return downstairs to the rest of the party.

"Spider Woman!" A small voice behind us screamed, Morgan now running up to me and grabbing my leg. I was petrified, I stared at MJ who looked equally as in shock as I did before we both turned to Ned.

"This is Peter's half sister Morgan. She thinks every girl could be Spider-Woman so don't worry, she's just obsessed with the city's new hero," Ned laughed.

"Why is she here and not with her parents?" MJ asked with concern, the fact that a five year old girl was at a college party was highly alarming.

"Oh no, she's cool. Her room joins up to the second lounge room via these big doors and she just chills inside watching tv and scribbling in her Avengers colouring books. Jarvis keeps her entertained and monitors if she's in danger. He like, turns the music off and everything if she leaves a certain perimeter of the house so we know, she's cool staying upstairs... Oh! Sorry, Jarvis is like, the house. I dunno, he kinda just is everywhere in Stark's world. He's an AI robot thing..." Ned shrugged, turning to Morgan and asking her if she needed any snacks before he went down to the party.

She shook her head, said bye to her best friend (which was me) and then skipped back down the corridor. I was worried for her, but then I realised she was pretty self-reliant being Stark's daughter and that Jarvis definitely wouldn't let anything happen to her. Like Ned said, she couldn't even step downstairs towards the party without everyone being alerted.

"If you guys see Peter can you let me know? I haven't been able to find him for like an hour. I thought he'd be screwing some girl but we just went into his room and he's not there," Ned said skipping drunkenly down the stairs.

"This house is crazy... A robot voice man is babysitting their kid?" MJ said to me before a loud explosion was heard from outside followed by a crowd cheering.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked MJ, following the swarm of people running from inside the living room to outside by the pool. There were people in the pool, all around the backyard and of course a whole lot of drunk college students.

Low and behold, Peter wearing just the glove of the Iron-Man suit, was blasting things in the air as people threw them. Beer bottles, shoes, even a mother fucking watermelon was hurled up into the sky.

How safe and heroic. I knew that the whole iron man suit had a breathalyser built into it, he can't operate it if he's drunk - that's why he just has the hand.

"Yo Pete! You meet the new Spider-Woman yet? What's she like in person?!" A guy neither of us knew yelled to Peter who was standing on top of a table like some fucking god above the rest of us.

He was ridiculously drunk.

"I can tell you guys now, the body under the suit is a whole lot better. And behind closed doors? That woman is flexible..." Peter smirked.

"Did you fucking sleep with Peter fucking Parker and not fucking tell me?!" MJ said under her breath before hitting my arm repetitively.

"No... No I most certainly did not..." I said slowly, staring up at the drunken asshole bragging about sleeping with my alter ego to dozens of people.

I'm going to kill him.

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