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If I'm honest, I'm not sure why Peter and I even set up a movie in the first place; we definitely weren't watching it. We'd decided to put Oceans Eleven on because Peter said it was good, but neither of us payed any attention after about five minutes.

For a while, Peter was insistent on me promising him I wasn't pretending to forgive him and pretending to be nice. I corrected him, saying that I didn't forgive him for bailing in the first place but I was genuinely happy to move past it and be nice. He nodded, thanked me, turned back towards the movie and then asked if I was sure about twenty seconds later.

What are you up to this weekend
you little workaholic hahaha

Can I finally take you out
for drinks?

I checked my phone quickly and held back a sigh when I saw that Harry had texted me. He was just such a nice guy and I'd been such a shitty replier to him lately. Plus, I feel like I might have only been texting him to distract myself from Peter and I felt guilty about that. He was obviously gorgeous, but if I was really that interested, I'd have made time to go on a date right? I don't know anymore, everything is confusing. I took a quick photo of myself in bed pouting like a sad puppy, making sure Peter wasn't in it at all and sent it back to him.

Staying with my aunt again
to help her with volunteering :(

Aw damn... You look cute in
your pjs by the way...

Peter and I talked mostly about what his relationship with Gwen was like given he was just starting out in college and she was well established as a popular, academic girl two years older than us. Apparently it was barely a relationship, he kind of asked her out because everyone thought she was hot and he was punching above his weight going for an older woman. He did genuinely fall for her he said, despite the furthest they'd ever gotten was a half-assed handjob in the auditorium bathrooms; which surprised me.

"Did she not want to have sex or something?" I asked, confused that someone like Peter would date a girl like Gwen without anything sexual involved. Peter previously had told me he'd only slept with four girls before, me being the fourth. But I still can't believe it.

"I was just scared to initiate anything because I felt like she was so out of my league the whole time. And I guess she probably never tried anything because well, she probably wasn't too interested in men," he shrugged.

It's weird hearing Peter say anything remotely insecure about himself given that for the majority of o life, he lived in the spotlight of being a part of the Stark family. Everyone knew that his parents Mary and Richard Parker died in a plane crash when he was about six years old. And because Richard worked closely with Tony as one of his lead engineers, Tony adopted Peter as his own.

It was common knowledge that Peter was adopted, but Tony obviously had rubbed off on his so much that the world was almost convinced he was blood related to Tony given they were so similar. Well, in public I guess. I'm very slowly getting to know the real Peter Parker; the soft side to him, the anxious side, the geeky side and his apparent body count of 4. It was all just so surprising to see.

This is going to sound super
weird but... Are you at the
Avengers Compound??

You're right, that does sound
super weird hahaha of course
I'm not at a superhero base

Are you sure? Cos like, you don't
need to lie about it

I'm so confused... Why do you
think I'm at Avengers compound?

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