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With a packet of skittles in my jacket pocket and a packet of Maltesers in my best friend MJ's pocket, we followed the tour guide around Stark Industries sharing our snacks in secret. Despite them strictly saying no food was allowed to be consumed in the laboratories, we desperately needed a hit of sugar to keep ourselves alert.

"Y/N, slow down for a second. Stop walking woman," MJ whispered at me, reaching into my pocket to get a few of the skittles as our college professor explained that we ought to be on our best behaviour today.

MJ, or Michelle Jones as others would know her, has been my best friend since we were about nine. She moved to the neighbourhood with her family from New Orleans and lives a few houses down from me. She's a very 'no bullshit' type of person and I respect the hell out of her for it.

The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic faculty had arranged for all of their graduating students to attend Stark Industries to write about one of their projects for our final thesis. Most people wanted to write about anything and everything about superhero technology, but I had an open mind to consider Stark Industries' smaller and more unknown projects.

Amongst the students was none other than Peter fucking Parker, adopted son of Tony Stark and quite literally the most pompous self obsessed asshole I have ever met. I'm pretty sure his Daddy bought his way into the University given I've shared multiple classes with Parker and he's only shown up to half of them. I honestly haven't the slightest idea on how he even passes these subjects.

I also don't really understand why Peter is even allowed to use his families company as a case study for his final thesis because it's completely biased and unfair. He usually skips class to hang out with whichever girl of the month was clung to his arm or ditches lectures to hang out with Flash Thompson and Ned Leeds.

Ned went to my high school. He was awkward and chubby and could barely talk to girls before college. He then completely reinvented himself during a trip to visit his family in Hawaii and now he's hanging out with King Satan himself, Flash. He lost the baby weight, started caring about his wardrobe and hey, he's super popular now.

Flash isn't even that attractive. You know those ugly guys who are charismatic during conversations and know how to smooth talk to somehow pull women? Then when he dumps them he acts like he's the hot one? That's Flash.

Flash tried to hit on MJ the first day of college by telling her she had an 'ass made for face sitting' to which she poured her smoothie down his shirt for. Ever since then, she's been blacklisted by him. MJ might be in Flash's bad books, but at least he knows who she is. I doubt those three even know my name.

Although I keep my head down and try to stay out of peoples way, MJ is the complete opposite; she doesn't tolerate anyone's shit. Especially not Flash's. She stands up for the little guys, even if it means getting herself a reputation for being 'a snarky bitch' from Flash. Again, I wish I was confident enough to have a reputation in the first place.

The guide, a woman who I guarantee would not have graduated college and was purely hired here due to her looks, explained to the group some of the most basic knowledge of all time as she waited for the actual professionals to become available. I'm going to presume she's some sort of receptionist hired to take us from one lab to the next.

Seriously, we are all twenty one year old college students studying various STEM degrees at Empire State University, I'd be highly concerned if any of us weren't aware of the effects Tony Stark and his technology had on the world.

I don't see the point in field trips above the age of about fifteen. I could just choose to go to these same places on my own accord with my own money and my own free will. I could also choose to avoid some of these places entirely, because I really don't want to spend my time sitting in court rooms listening to environmental laws or touring a laboratory where they test on animals just for a passing college credit.

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