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After showering, I had dried myself off with a towel and wrapped a bath robe around myself to walk from the compound bathrooms to my bedroom. That was the only downside to the compound, having to share bathrooms. I'll admit, the communal showers were extremely luxurious and prestige; nothing like old school camps where the tiled floors were constantly wet and dirty or had ceilings adorned by clumps of soggy toilet paper thrown up at them. Avengers Compound was a lot nicer than that.

It did however call for a few awkward scurries back to your room when people were walking through the halls, in todays case, I had run into Gwen on her way to the bathrooms. She held her robe in one hand and her phone in he other as she smiled at me.

"Hey! Perfect timing, I was going to ask what you and Peter were doing tonight... My brothers and I were thinking we could go to the cinema room and make popcorn for a movie," Gwen smiled, stopping me in the corridor.

"Fuck, Peter and I going to Queens tonight... But later this week definitely," I nodded, holding my robe close to my chest so it didn't undo itself with the loose knot I had tied it up with.

"Oh, is this for those Fisk attacks Dad was talking about? He said that whilst he was at work today all of his systems crashed for ten minutes and when he checked with uh, SHIELD is it? Yeah, he checked with them and they said that someone had blocked the systems from gaining new reports in certain areas..." Gwen said nervously.

"We're actually just having dinner but that's really weird about the system crash... It's good that SHIELD knows which areas are blacklisted from having reports done in them, it means we know what areas Fisk is plotting to attack and we can have agents scope it out," I shrugged, trying to give her a sense of calm.

"The areas are quite big, but you're right, it's a good start to know where they could be going... I'll let you get changed, I'm sorry I stopped you," she laughed, turning away from me towards the bathroom before calling out 'have fun at dinner' as I got to my door.

Gwen Stacy really is a sweetheart, I feel bad I made such a bold assumption about her just because I was jealous. I'm a dickhead for that. I got into my room and put my jeans and t-shirt back on considering that was one of the only outfits I had brought with me to the compound. I thought I could do my makeup here, then get changed into something a little nicer once I got home. But it's nothing fancy, it's dinner with May and Ben... You know what, a t-shirt and jeans is just fine.

I started with moisturiser, spreading it across my face gently as I played music on my phone. I liked to take my time with my makeup, it was therapeutic, it was a form of self-care for me. When I heard a knock at the door, I assumed it would have been Peter and called out for him to come in. Except Peter had brought friends.

"We need to rain check, Fisk has started the attacks," Peter said with a disappointed look, as if he was actually looking forward to eating with my family.

Tony stood behind him with Bucky who just rolled his eyes when he saw me sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the mirror with my makeup laid out nicely.

"Shit, where are we going?" I said standing up quickly and pulling my suit from the bedside drawer. I really didn't have much in my compound bedroom, I just shoved it in that drawer because it was convenient.

"We don't know yet, Natasha got word from SHIELD that one of the flagged locations had high amounts of a noxious gas found in a Telecommunications building. We're anticipating the other areas are soon to be the same. We have Clint with Natasha at the moment in Yonkers where the first area is, they're scanning for any suspicious activity. I want you, Bucky and Pete to split up and alert each other if you need backup. Bucky I want you taking the Lower Manhattan and Soho zone east of Broadway. Peter you're south from there in the financial district and Y/N I need you in Gramercy Park slash Union Square areas. Just scan what's happening and alert me of anything weird. I'll be here working with SHIELD. Everyone good?" Tony asked, keeping a direct tone with us all for the mission.

"Can you guys like turn around whilst I put my suit on?" I asked uncomfortably, not wanting to waste more of their time by not being ready to leave. Tony spun around and faced the door quickly whereas Bucky screwed his face up at me before reluctantly turning around. Peter, just stayed watching me like the cheeky bastard he is.

"Have Clint and Natasha found why there's noxious gas in the Telco building? I mean, I'm assuming they contained it and that's why they're now patrolling the surrounding area right?" I asked, stepping into the legs of my suit and jumping a little to squeeze my left foot out of the hole.

"They saw a mechanism lodged inside the air conditioning system that was dispersing some sort of chemical. They got that under control, escorted anyone out of the building and SHIELD radiation tech's are now inside. We're lucky that it's after five and majority of the workers had gone home, we don't know what type of gas this is," Tony explained, still facing the door as I flattened down my hair for my mask to slip on properly.

"My theory is that he wants to leak these gasses in different buildings located in the flagged zones and then detonate some sort of explosive so it creates mass arson... I mean, we already saw an entire apartment building go up in flames with a dead guy in it... He's planning something bigger this time right?" Bucky said facing the wall, leaning against it with his elbow.

"SHIELD are trying to get suitable evidence that this has been planned by Fisk so that we can finally arrest the son of a bitch, but in the meantime I want us to be ready. Speaking of ready, Y/N are you dressed?" Tony huffed.

"Yeah I'm all good now, let's go to the Quinjet."

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