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"Thank you Mayor Fisk, for that truly touching speech on my life achievements thus far. I do wish to point out that although the speech heavily focused on my work at Stark Industries and not my due diligence as Iron-Man, I am still very much a part of Stark Industries and will continue to work until the day I die. I will only be retiring from being Iron-Man," Tony said into the microphone at city hall.

MJ, Aunt May, Uncle Ben and I were all in the living room watching the press conference on the news. It was being broadcast everywhere - Tony Stark is retiring from being Iron Man.

Our mayor of New York City was a huge fucking guy; both of political stature and physical stature. I mean, Wilson Fisk was six foot seven and the size of a fucking truck. He looked like a sumo wrestler, except he was extremely toned - despite the media coverage calling him fat. He proved it once on Instagram, posting a work out photo against 'the haters'. It's kind of weird to see your mayor shirtless but hey, it stopped the media calling him by derogatory slurs.

People liked Fisk, he kept crime rates low and supported the minorities. He really did turn this city around in his short time in power. He was only recently elected but he's kind of open about being against heroes and vigilantes. Of course, The Avengers are above him so there's not much he can do to stop them. I guess he wants to save the day himself with his new laws, but there's always bigger villains out there that he can't stop.

"Yo, Fisk looks like he's wearing a suit more expensive than Starks... Just two rich guys sucking each other's dicks on stage and the city fucking loves it," MJ chuckled, both of us sitting on my couch watching the mass crowd out the front of Town Hall.

"What? I mean yeah they're both being super fake and pretending to be buddies but they have to be, Tony Stark is retiring... And Hawkeye retired in Missouri..." I sighed, watching the Iron Man suit descend from the sky and land on stage.

The suit had been upgraded, it looked like a newer model and never before seen. The crowd cheered and held up cardboard signs expressing their love for Tony, the fact they would miss him and that they wished him the best in his retirement.

"Let me make it clear that Iron-Man is not dead, Iron-Man will continue to be a beacon of hope. So, without further ado, the next generation Iron-Man!" Tony introduced, the mask retracting to reveal Peter Parker inside, waving to the crowd as they went wild.

MJ turned to me and pushed my arm, demanding that I apologise for not telling her Peter was becoming the new Iron-Man. I just stared at the television in shock, telling her that I had no idea. Why wouldn't Stark tell me this? This is fucking big news.

Picking you up at 12:45

That's in 2 minutes

Yes? And?

Okay see you soon I guess

"Hey guys, Happy is out the front. I guess after the news Tony probably wants to update the other mentee's or something," I said getting off the couch and looking out the window at Happy standing next to his car, right on time, like always.

"Oh, so soon? Wow, okay text us when you're on the way home okay?" May smiled, turning to MJ and asking if she wanted to stay for dinner. She nodded and told Ben she would help him with the barbecue on the balcony.

I grabbed my suit and shoved it into my backpack before going down to the street to meet Happy. He drove to Stark Tower which was understandably surrounded by crowds. Luckily, our car went into the secret back entrance and into the underground car park.

"You should put your suit on, Peter will be upstairs," Happy said whilst we were in the elevator, scaring me that he gave me zero warning. I stuttered as I realised I had a very limited time to get changed and that Happy was two feet away from me. He apologised, turned to face to wall and pressed the emergency stop button to give me time to change.

It was awkward to say the least, I dropped my bra basically on his foot and had to use my foot to slide it back along the ground to pick it up. I also fell into the wall multiple times as my jeans got stuck on my foot.

"Spider-Woman! I apologise for the late notice," Tony smiled on the couch, sitting in a pair of track pants and holding a crystal glass of brown alcohol; probably whiskey. A few of the heroes were around him, each in casual clothes: Steve, Stephen, Natasha and now Peter; all heroes who lived primarily in New York.

"Oh so even at your little dumb retirement party, she has to keep her identity a secret from Peter? We all know what she looks like," Stephen said taking his sweater off.

"Wait, you all have seen her? That's so unfair. What does she have against me?" Peter scoffed.

"Me? Why do you instantly blame me?" I retaliated.

"This isn't a retirement party. This is official business. I need you to go to Town Hall and do some reconnaissance work. Something isn't right about Mayor Fisk and his men, I overheard something suspicious today at the press conference," Tony said casually.

"I thought you were retired? How come you brought us here?" Natasha interrogated.

"Think of me like the guy in the chair, I'll work behind the scenes and help you guys the best I can whilst being off duty," Tony said.

"Wouldn't it be kind of obvious having all of us raid Town Hall? I mean, this huge hunk of metal was just revealed as your son, he can't just waltz in and go undercover," I scrutinised.

"Hey! That's kind of harsh coming from you who's dressed in bright fucking red and wearing a fucking big mask... Real discreet," Peter said screwing his face up at me.

"That's why he's the distraction. He'll go in, talk with Fisk for the media, and you my little spiderling, will go in and snoop around when Pete says the coast is clear," Tony smiled at me.

"And us? Why'd you invite us here?" Steve asked bluntly, confused by Tony's plan as much as the rest of us were.

"You guys can drink with me for my little retirement party! Leave the kids to do this one," Tony grinned, holding his glass up as Natasha and he immediately made their way to the alcohol.

"I have to work with her? Alone? I don't even know anything about her!" Peter whined at his Dad.

What a fucking baby, he expects to be the new Iron Man and now cooperate with me?

"That's bullshit Peter, you've watched every training video I have on her and taken stringent notes. I know you'll both work well together," Tony laughed.

This is going to be painful. And I'm sure as shit not going to be bossed around by Peter fucking Parker.

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