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"Mr. Stark, you guest is arriving up the driveway, shall I grant him access?" Jarvis asked Tony through the speakers, alerting us of Captain Stacy's presence.

"Let him in, I'll meet him at the door," Tony said clearing his throat and tapping me on the thigh.

"You two good to stay here? I'm just going to go and let him inside, have a chat and see what the fuck is going on. He said he has information against Fisk," Tony explained, standing up and throwing up a peace sign at Peter and I.

"Daddy? He said he was looking for you," Morgan said standing at the door holding the police captains hand tightly.

"Morgs, princess, what did I tell you about letting people into the house whenever you want? Pizza delivery guys don't want to see your Squishmallow collection, or watch Paw Patrol," Tony sighed, walking towards the doorway where his daughter stood.

"Captain Stacy, I do apologise for my daughter Morgan, she doesn't understand the concept of stranger danger," He continued, shaking the blonde man's hand and staring down at the girl.

"It's fine, I know how kids are. They trust so easily. And please, call me George," he said before looking at me lying injured in bed with Peter sitting in a chair next to me.

Tony looked behind him and realised that I was an injured woman in a bedroom inside his house, with a bullet wound and multiple cables and tubes connected to me. He hesitated as he struggled to explain himself.

"This is... This is a civilian I saved tonight!" Tony lied, trying to protect my identity. Although, considering Stacy had already ripped my mask off after shooting me, I waved my hand at Tony to let him know we were safe.

"I'd like to cut right to the chase because me being here is dangerous for both parties. I firstly want to apologise for shooting the Spider-Woman, we are all under strict commands to do so from Mayor Fisk," he said looking at me with a face of regret.

"Uh, yeah that's all good. It'll heal I guess," I said trying to shrug but wincing at the pain in my shoulder. Fuck, I really need to stop moving it.

"I was had full intent to arrest you and follow through with our orders but seeing you as the young girl you are, I just- I couldn't do it. My daughter Gwen is a similar age to you both, she just finished her honours degree this week," he nodded.

"Oh yeah, Gwen had a little fling with Peter a while back, didn't you Pete?" Tony said, which made the situation even more uncomfortable.

I knew that Peter had dated Gwen Stacy who was about two years older than us, but I always thought they broke up because she moved interstate. Maybe they moved back when her Dad became captain. Fuck, how did I not piece two and two together and realise her dad was the New York police captain?

"We uh, we dated for a bit yeah. Hi Mr. Stacy," Peter coughed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Ah yes, hello again Peter... Besides the point, Fisk had briefed me previously that he had a project to clean up the city of its crimes, a project you would all be aware of. I had a few complaints about it from government workers when it first launched which we never looked into because they all redacted the claims soon after," George said, steering us away from the topic about his daughters ex, and back to the matter at hand.

"They took their complaints back? Were they even resolved?" Peter asked, cocking his head to the side.

"We assumed so. But I had my suspicions that Fisk had coerced them to do so as a bribe or blackmail. I looked into it, found out some damning evidence against Fisk and took it to him directly. He um, he threatened to kill my family if I told anyone. So I moved my wife and kids to Connecticut until I could get Fisk's trust again," he admitted.

Well that explains why Peter and Gwen broke up. Fuck, does that mean they both still had feelings but she had to move away? It wasn't a proper break up? Maybe they tried long distance and it didn't work. Fuck Y/N, calm down he's just a fling.

A fling you have feelings for.

"So what we're all of the complaints even about?" Tony questioned.

"I believe that Fisk is working with the criminal underworld to plant and set up crimes so that it appears he is cleaning up the city. In return, he gets a portion of all the crimes committed whether is drug smuggling, money laundering, et cetera. He's contributing to the crime. The jails are empty Tony, he's conjuring his own crime rates to get the city to love him, but he'll turn his back on them soon enough... I know it sounds crazy," Stacy sighed.

"That- that doesn't sound crazy at all. We saw a drug ring operating out of Town Hall, we just haven't had enough of a cause to allow the Avengers to apprehend Fisk," Peter said with furrowed brows.

"And his graduation speech was creepy," I added.

"We can't bring in the Avengers because a guy is creepy, we need proper reason... But as far as we know right now, Fisk is just acting suspicious. We don't have any proof," Tony huffed.

"I can- I can try and work with you on this, to the best of my abilities. I just need to know my family is safe," George sighed.

"We can set up protection for them. Your wife and kids can stay at Avengers Compound in the meantime. I'll have Peter and a few of the other guys there most of the time to help. It's quite a nice facility, like a luxury resort without the screaming kids of buffet breakfast," Tony chuckled.

"Thank you Tony, I- I can't thank you enough. You know I was a bit skeptical of a few of you superheroes, but this has changed my view entirely," he smiled.

Great. Peter's ex girlfriend and her family are going to be staying at Avengers Compound with him. That's just fucking perfect isn't it. First I had Liz Toomes blowing up his phone with nude photos, now I have an ex girlfriend to compete with.

This is just great.

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