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A/N: this is the longest and most detailed smut I have ever written so here is your warning oop-

From the moment he said those words, I knew that choking him was a huge mistake. Slamming your hand against a colleagues neck was an error in itself yes, but knowing that he was turned on by it and not stopping nor pulling away was the bigger mistake of the two.

"You liking this as much as I am?" He said in a deeper voice than usual, his eyes dark with lust and desire. His cocky and pompous demeanour had dissipated into one of arousal.

"You are fucking disgusting Parker," I spat, letting go of him with my fists clenched by my side. I counting contain my fury, my complete hatred for him. He just stared at me, a dumb smirk painted on his face as he watched me in amusement. My anger, fucking amused him.

"Oh yeah? Say it again to my face this time so I know that you mean it. See? You can't even look at me when you insult me," he chuckled.

"You don't think I mean it when I say you're fucking disgusting? Okay how's this for looking you in the fucking face then," I scoffed, pulling my mask off at glaring at him.

"Surprised Parker?" I glared.

I expected more of a reaction if I'm being honest. I expected a gasp or a face with widened eyes, I imagined a 'holy fuck you're that girl from college' or even to be laughed at when he realised one of New York's superheroes was just a normal average college girl like myself.

He just smiled and looked at me.
Again, just amused.

"Surprised that you're even hotter than I imagined? As a matter of fact yeah, I am pretty surprised... I was secretly hoping the face matched the body and it definitely does," he said smugly.

Even in this moment, seeing that the woman he had been fighting with all this time and continually hating on, went to college with him didn't surprise him in the slightest. I knew exactly what his deepest darkest fears were, I saw him cry, I watched him spill his secrets and yet, he was still trying to be a complete an utter man whore. Typical. I should have guessed.

"Like I said before, and I'll say again now, you're fucking disgusting," I said screwing up my face and looking him up and down. He was still amused, like he always was when he purposely riled me up to get a reaction. Turning on my feet to leave he pulled me back towards him by my hand and our lips quickly connected out of a hungry instinct.

Kissing Peter Parker felt like nothing I had experienced before. It was not romantic, it was not passionate, it was barely even lustful; it was a challenge, a fight. Neither of us wanted to let the other assert dominance nor admit submission, our tongues moved in sync yet overthrew each other's advances.

We both knew that that if either of us stopped, we would have enough time to realise that what we were doing was a total mistake. We would instantly stop, pretend like it never happened and go back to hating each other. But without explicitly saying it, we both wanted this to happen right now.

My hands ran through his hair and pulled at the curls at the back of his neck, his hand cupped the side of my cheek before his thumb slipped under my chin and his fingers eventually joined; grabbing my neck firmly the same way I had done to him earlier.

Our teeth clashed multiple times, our lips moved against each other messily and the hot and heavy breathing was almost deafening to my ears. He wasted no time in snaking his arms around my waist as I jumped up to wrap my legs around him, Peter now stumbling backwards to his bed as the both of us fell back.

His hands pulled each of my thighs to straddle either side of his waist, chuckling to himself as I learnt down to kiss along his jaw before my teeth grazed against his ear. He hummed as he exhaled, enjoying this way too much.

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