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"Fu- Oh god, just like that... Good girl," Peter groaned, his eyes furrowed and his fist gripping my hair as I bobbed my head up and down around his cock. We waited possibly three maybe four seconds after Tony shut the door before we resumed our hooking up.

Peter pulled me back onto his lap as we pushed the blanket off, his cock still hard and aching for touch. Me made out for a few seconds but time was of the essence; we both wanted me back on my knees.

I glanced up at him once I noticed a muscle in his thigh twitch, making eye contact with him as his lips parted and his breath started to get shakier. I slowed down and sucked harder, hollowing out my cheeks and stretching out every movement, teasing him as I drew out his climax.

"I- I'm gonna cu-" he moaned, before I stuck out my tongue and tapped the tip of his cock against my tongue; taunting him. He ejaculated warm spurts along my tongue, the liquid dripping down ever so slightly onto my lower lip as I put my tongue back into my mouth to swallow.

He chuckled as he pulled me swiftly up to kiss him, yet I managed to lick my lips clean before he did so. Grabbing a fistful of my hair he inhaled deeply into the kiss, our lips moving in tandem before he pulled away drained of energy.

"You didn't last too long," I taunted.

"Yeah well I had blue balls when Tony came in and interrupted us," he laughed.

"Blue balls isn't real Parker, it's just sexual frustration and the blood rushing to your dick," I said rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

I laughed and leant over him to grab a glass of water sitting on the side table next to him, swishing the water around my mouth to cleanse the palate. Cum isn't a particularly nice taste, I'd rather not continue to be reminded of it.

"My phone has been going wild, holy shit," Peter laughed, looking at the numerous notifications on his phone; including text messages from his father downstairs.

Oldest trick in the book

use portection

I meant protection

Also we need to have a
man to man after she goes
home because I didn't know
any of this ??? !!!!

Jokes aside, can you guys
come to the living room
after you're done

No rush but also... rush

Peter screwed his face up and laughed it off, showing me the text chain between he and Tony. It was weird, I had a pretty open and casual relationship with my Aunt and Uncle, but I would never be able to talk to them about my sex life. Maybe if I was a boy Uncle Ben would have 'man to man' chats with me.

I also just think that Peter and Tony have a really odd dynamic as adoptive parent and son. The way Tony and Peter have both talked about each other to me, it seems like they act like weird older brothers, or that Tony is the wise older cousin in charge of Peter for the summer break. He can put his foot down when he needs to, but rarely does.

"So why are we rushing?" I sighed, getting off the couch and looking at myself in a mirror mounted on the wall, checking if I looked respectable enough to face Tony Stark after he knew what we were doing.

"I don't fucking know, I have missed called from Ned too... And a shit tonne of messages from people," he whined, putting a pair of tracksuit pants on and a t-shirt considering his formal suit wear wasnt sufficient around the house.

"Oh shit, you're still in your dress. You want clothes?" He asked, moving to his wardrobe quickly.

"I'll just duck down the hall and put the guest pajamas on that I always wear. Meet you downstairs?" I said smiling and leaving his room quickly and quietly.

I changed into the pressed linen pajamas that I always wore when I stayed over after late missions, which were washed and folded nicely for me in their usual spot. I shuffled down the hallway and down the large descending staircase to the living room where Tony was sitting with Pepper, Peter and a man in a charcoal grey suit. I'm sure Morgan would be asleep by now - it was pretty late in the night.

"Oh, I kind of feel embarrassed to be in pajamas now..." I said noticing the strange man on the couch as I sat on the armchair adjacent to him. He stared directly at me through dark red tinted glasses, although I couldn't tell if they were prescription or not. Maybe he was making a fashion statement.

"This is my old friend Matt Murdoch, he's the best lawyer I know... God help Stark Industries if I didn't have him," Tony laughed, although nobody else laughed.

"I think it's best if we keep the humour to a minimum until we figure out how to get out of this mess Tony," the lawyer said looking vaguely in the direction of Tony but not quite. Wait, is he blind?

"What mess are we talking about?" I asked, looking at Peter and Pepper who both looked like they were guilty dogs with tails between their legs.

"Mayor Fisk has issued a warrant for Spider-Woman's arrest," the lawyer 'Matt' said to me, this time staring at me dead straight with uncanny accuracy. Maybe he can see... I don't think so.

"Wh- I uh, I don't really know how I can turn myself in when I live a secret life... Wait, sorry, back track for a second. So why does he want to arrest me all of a sudden?" I laughed, uncomfortably awkward given I was under the impression I was a fully fledged Avenger by now and I shouldn't be arrested for helping New York City.

"He believes that being a masked vigilante in this city is more hinderance than help. The mess the webs cause, the stress on the police departments, the lack of accountability given you have a secret identity... All the fun superhero stuff," Matt smiled.

"Right... So you're here to represent me and get this arrest warrant appealed?" I asked casually.

"Oh god no, I'm here to give Tony some under the table legal advice and pop in for a quick drink. As for you young lady, I suggest you listen to Tony very wisely," he said standing up and leaving abruptly, Pepper helping him to the door.

I stared at Tony in shock, fear and disbelief. Peter looked at him in almost the same way.

Was this the end of Spider-Woman?

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