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Tapping my pen in the air as to not make any noise on the desk, I impatiently watch the clock hand move closer and closer to the hour; waiting for this final exam to be over. The very last exam until I finish college, forever. I mean, unless I fail and have to retake Bioremediation again - which I highly doubt.

I wonder if any of the other Avengers graduated from college whilst they fought crime and saved lives. I know Tony graduated from MIT but he didn't become Iron Man until many years later. Natasha didn't really have the option to attend college whilst she was in the Red Room. Maybe Bruce Banner became Hulk during college, but I don't think so.

Imagine if my college professors knew I was Spider-Woman... Would they go easy on me considering I spent majority of my nights patrolling New York City? I mean, I would love it if I didn't have to balance being a superhero and studying but I can't have the best of both worlds.

The examiner collected our test papers and dismissed us, the majority of the 'popular' kids squealing and cheering that college was finally over. Except, graduation is in two days so it isn't really over yet.

"Yo Pete! You coming to Palmer's for a drink?" Flash called out as the class tried to squeeze out the only doorway in the exam hall.

"With who?" He said bluntly back.

"Me, Brad, Paul, Jamie, Liz and Betty... Ned you in?" He asked nudging Ned with his elbow. Ned shook his head and said he had plans already, slyly looking towards MJ who blushed. We're they going on a fucking date without her telling me?

"If Ned isn't going, then fuck no," Peter said hopping down the stairs happily.

"What do you mean 'fuck no'? It's Palmers, you love that bar dude," Flash scoffed.

"Come on Peter, let's celebrate!" Liz squealed, looping her arm around his. He slunk his body away from her and pulled his arm back to his side.

"Alright so college is over and I can't be fucked pretending anymore so here we go. Flash? You're the biggest fucking asshole I know and majority of people only hang out with you because of your money and they're scared you'll be a dickhead to them. Liz? You annoy me so much at the fact you think we're together when I've literally never even kissed you. I'm not playing hard to get, I just don't want you. Paul? I really don't know anything about you but you hang around us and try to make inside jokes with me about complete bullshit. And Betty? You're a bit of a bitch for leading Ned on whenever you're horny and want some action so I kind of lost all respect for you. So Flash, no, I will not be going to Palmers and no, I won't miss any of you after graduation," Peter grinned, tapping Ned on the shoulder to walk with him back to his car.

MJ and I just stood stunned behind their group, who all were equally as stunned at Peter's impromptu outburst of sheer honesty. And he smiled throughout the entire rant, as if he was happy to tell them he hated them. He was finally being genuine.

Flash laughed it off to the rest of our class who witnessed Peter completely come clean about how everyone really did hate Flash but were too afraid to admit it. He tried to say it was a joke and that he would see Peter later on at Palmer's Bar.

"What was that?" MJ muttered, waving slowly to Ned as he called out that he would see her later and got into Peter's car; she was still in shock.

"I don't know but I think I might have caused it," I responded, watching Peter drive out of the car park with Ned and off into the distance.

MJ and I walked through the campus towards the subway station, as I explained to her that after the arcade I made a bet with Peter that he had to be the most real and authentic version of himself for this final week of college before we graduated.

MJ told me that it made sense to her why Peter was acting strangely in some of her classes. When I asked her what he was doing she just shrugged and said he was quiet, not styling his hair with masses of gel and generally seeming normal.

I smiled to myself, proud of the fact that not only was he upholding his end of the bet, but that he was brave enough to be himself.

"Okay enough about Peter Parker, what the fuck is happening tonight with Ned huh? You didn't think to fill me in on this?!" I said shoving her jokingly as she stumbled along the sidewalk.

"He only asked before the exam! He just came up and was like 'hey do you want to get dinner later?' and I was like yeah sure I'll meet you at eight," she laughed, shoving her hands in her pockets from the cold.

"You're so full of shit, you guys are fucking aren't you?" I laughed.

"No! Not yet..." she mumbled, trying to not smile. It was cute, I hadn't seen MJ blush over a boy in a very very long time. And I really liked Ned, ever though he lost all the baby weight and got super stylish, he stayed pretty genuine.

"Well you need to tell me how it goes okay?" I smiled, walking down the subway station stairs with her and pulling my phone out of my pocket.

You got a date to graduation?

People take dates to grad?



So do you?

God no

Wanna go together?

Not really, no

But it marks one week of
being 'real Peter' and you
promised you'd go to dinner
with me after a week

Graduation is during the day

Solid observation
You are correct

Dinner is not during the day

So after graduation you'll get
dinner with me?

That's the deal yeah

So why won't you be my
graduation date?

Just don't want to

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