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I sat next to Tony in silence at the kitchen island, eating semi stale cereal together and scribbling on the note pad in between us. Note to self: buy groceries for the compound. We were just drawing shitty little drawings, don't ask me why, but it was entertaining at this time in the morning where using words seemed to difficult.

"S'You," he said with a full mouth, slurping the dribble of milk from his lip and pointing to a drawing of a stick figure (supposedly me) getting fucked in the ass by an eight legged man. Classy.

"Yeah that's how I got my powers, thought you knew that old man," I chuckled, pulling the pad of paper towards me and snatching the pencil from him.

It was strange. As much as Tony knew that I had hooked up with his son, he never really treated me like Peter's girlfriend or anything. He just treated me as Spider-Woman, or as a kid he was mentoring. He was more chill than Peter was.

"And that, is you," I said laughing whilst holding the spoon in my mouth.

"So, what is that in my mouth?" He said grimacing yet still laughing nonetheless.

"That's you eating Captain America's shit," I said cracking up.

I stood up from the bench and took both my bowl and Tony's to the dishwasher before Peter, Gwen and Morgan came into the kitchen from down the hall. Morgan was adjusting pretty quickly to the change in homes, treating the compound like a hotel filled with people to play with.

"Good morning buttercup!" Tony said putting his fist out to fist bump his daughter.

"Morning daddy, can we swim today?" She begged, smashing her little fist against his and smiling.

"Have you got your bathing suit on?" He asked, watching his daughter nod eagerly before throwing her over his shoulder and telling the rest of us they would be at the pool.

Gwen sat down in the same seat I was sitting at prior to them coming into the room, saying good morning to me and watching Peter rummage through the fridge.

"Sleep well?" I asked her bluntly without facing her, realising she had no idea who I was. After all, she'd seen Spider-Woman in a suit yesterday and she'd seen me right now, a random girl in the kitchen.

"Yeah at first I was a little scared spending my first night in the compound but Peter offered to stay in my room and keep me company. Do you live here too?" She asked politely.

"Nobody lives here, because it's not a house. We aren't roommates all hanging out like a reality show, making brownies and fucking the other contestants on the first night," I huffed, annoyed to hear that Peter had apparently slept with her.

I mean, what type of guy openly flirts with his ex girlfriend, rejects a mission to be with her, then expects you to sleep with him and then when you say no go sleep with the same ex girlfriend? Fucking unbelievable Parker.

"You sleep well?" Peter asked, watching me tie my hair up with the elastic around my wrist.

"Like a baby. It's great having the whole bed to yourself, you should try it sometime," I scowled, smiling when I saw Bucky come down the hall in gym clothes ready for a training session.

"Are you pumped?" He asked somewhat excitedly, knowing that I had promised him to train this morning as part of our deal to make him stay at the compound.

"Excited? No. Ready to beat something up? Definitely," I scoffed, walking out of the kitchen with Bucky.

Once we got to the bunkers underground, I yelled out in frustration when I heard Bucky close the door. I just had to release as much tension and anger as possible. I just yelled, I don't know why, I just had to get it out.

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