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"No seriously MJ, I swear to you I'm not using wires or like super strong magnets or whatever, I can seriously stick to walls with my hands and feet," I said quietly, hanging upside down from the ceiling after climbing up the wall. And of course, I was adamant in making sure MJ locked the doors of this vacant college room and closed the blinds.

"Y- Wh- I-... And this was because of a spider?" She said staring up at me and pulling at my arm to see if she would stick to me.

"Dude, I'm not lying to you. It was one of Dr. Connors spiders I swear. I found it stuck to my shoulders and I freaked out about it all weekend. Oh! And I went to save this lady's purse on 21st street and accidentally got stuck to the wall when the attackers ran off and then I completely forgot about the purse which I kind of feel really bad about now," I said carefully detaching myself from the ceiling and jumping down to the floor.

"You're a pretty shitty superhero then if you forgot to actually save the day in the end," MJ joked, running her hand through her hair and laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I said worriedly, scared she would assume she was joking like I first did and then expose me to everyone saying I was crazy.

"Because I can't believe my best friend has fucking super powers! Have you tried to reach out to Dr. Connors yet? This is like, insane for him," she said sitting on one of the desks and crossing her legs.

Leaning against another desk I shook my head. I can't tell anyone about this, they'll lock me up and run tests on me like a freak. I don't want to be a circus animal. Plus, if people found out, they might try to hunt me down.

"Insane for him? It's insane for me! I don't even know what I'm capable of yet, I was filming myself yesterday to like prove what I can do in case you didn't believe me yet but like, I'm still in shock," I said holding my phone out to show her.

She suggested uploading them to YouTube, just to go viral and get millions of views. I shrugged my shoulders and told her to do whatever she wanted - you couldn't see my identity in them anyway.

"You're wearing a balaclava... Why? Are you about to rob a bank with these new sticky wall powers?" She joked, swiping through multiple videos I had taken of myself.

"In case someone saw me, I don't want Mayor Fisk sending police to my door. You know he hates people trying to be superheroes... Plus, Aunt May would kill me if she found out!" I whined, putting my hands in my hair at the realisation that I had to keep this a secret from May and Ben.

"The fucking mayor of New York won't give a shit about some girl in Lululemon tights and a homemade balaclava made out of a stretched beanie. He only takes down people who pretend to have powers just to be vigilantes and actually cause more crime. You actually have powers, you could be an Avenger! Oh man, can you imagine the look on Peter Parker's face if you became a fucking Avenger with his Dad? Flash would try to fuck you instantly," she taunted, giving me back my phone.

"Ew, I don't want to sleep with Flash, never in a million years. Also, I saw Peter in Queens yesterday and he didn't even know we studied the same thing. I don't even think he recognised me," I scoffed.

"Bullshit Peter Parker was in Queens yesterday," MJ laughed at me, leaving the classroom we had hidden in to go to our next class.

"He was! He ordered a number five from Delmars and parked this super nice car out the front. A black Audi... The number plate said PARKER3 if you don't believe me," I said sitting in the laboratory next to her.

"Hey Peter! Does your car have Parker three as its number plate?" MJ called out a few seats away from Flash, Ned and Peter. I was mortified, now Peter will know that I told MJ about him.

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