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Waking up in the morning felt like a breeze compared to the struggles of falling asleep last night. The crippling headache was gone, my fever was no where to be seen and I felt well rested and chipper. I smiled to myself as I opened the windows blinds and appreciated the warm morning sun illuminate my bedroom.

As great as I felt, something definitely wasn't right. Normally in the mornings I felt sluggish, miserable and grumpy. I normally couldn't give a shit about the warmth of the sun and I definitely didn't wake up before nine on a fucking Saturday morning.

Hopping down the stairs with a spring in my step, I said good morning to May who commented on how early I had woken up before I went to the bathroom for a shower. Stretching my arms to pull my shirt off, I noticed my shoulders felt stiff and my muscles felt sore; I assumed it was from sleeping weirdly.

Turning the shower on I accidentally turned it so much that the handle came off the wall, surprising me as I tried to attach it back to the valve but ended up failing miserably. The water was scalding hot so I moved into the corner to avoid burning myself. As I slowly tried to turn the handle against the small bolt, I managed to eventually stop the water; thank fuck.

Staring at the silver handle in my hand I exited the shower and looked at myself in the mirror, putting the chunk of metal on the vanity sink and sighing. I really just wanted a shower and our little Queens apartment only has one tiny bathroom.

At least I can brush my teeth to feel refreshed right? Taking the toothpaste from inside the cabinet I squeezed it softly, yet the entirety of its contents exploded from the tube and onto the sink below me.

So much for my super great morning huh? What's with all this bad luck? And my back still fucking hurts. I reached around to try and massage it myself, feeling a small tender bump beneath my fingers, right between my shoulder blades.

Bringing my hand back around, I looked down at my fingertips, rubbing them together as spider web residue stuck to them. Yuck. I screwed my face up and wiped my hand on the hand towel next to me. I spun to look at my back in the mirror, noticing a small red bump under a bunch of webs, the spider still attached to it.

That's fucking disgusting.

Honestly, I felt like throwing up just looking at it, brushing it all off with my other hand and jumping around maniacally, quite similar to yesterday. A shiver ran up my spine as I looked down at the tiled floor, seeing the shrivelled up dead spider tangled in its own webs. I crouched down to inspect it, grimacing at the fact I had a dead bug attached to me for god knows how long.

Now kneeling on the bath mat, I reached for my toothbrush to try and use the end to flip the spider over, praying it wasn't a dangerous nor deadly type. Not that I would have any idea, but my best bet was to google what it looked like.

Black body.
Iridescent in the light.

This is one of Dr. Connors radiation affected Spiders... Is Stark Industries going to arrest me for accidentally stealing a highly confidential spider? Or worse, am I about to get radiation poisoning and die?

I stood up and backed against the wall in fear, covering my mouth and staring down at the dead spider. I'm just overthinking this right? Dr. Connors said all the spiders die because the radiation is too strong, it's just another failed experiment right? Okay, maybe if I return the spider to him and apologise for killing it they won't arrest me...

I found one of my pill jars in the cabinet and tipped out all of the tablets onto the vanity, needing the small container to scoop up the dead spider. I'll scoop up all the pills later. Screwing the lid back on, I took a deep breath and thought to probably google common spider venom symptoms to check I wasn't dyin, maybe that's why I was so sick last night.

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