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'I mean, I'm not too fussed if I miss out on one little lecture..." Peter taunted, chuckling to himself and looking at me with this smouldering look as if to gain a reaction from me on purpose.

"Peter, what happened between us was a one time thing. I'm sure you probably regret it and it was just the heat of the moment driving us together," I said politely, testing the waters to see how he viewed our one night stand.

"Is that what you think? Really?" He squinted, knowing that I was one hundred percent lying.

"Why are we in a storage room anyway? It smells like chemicals and dust in here," I scoffed, looking around at the shelves of flasks and beakers from the science labs.

"Well you turned up at my college so I kind of wanted to figure out why," he smiled.

That's when it hit me.

It hit me like a tonne of bricks falling from the sky and enveloping me in a crushing pile. It hit me like I was buried alive, slowly realising I was running out of oxygen and was consumed by the earth around me.

Peter Parker doesn't know who I am.

"Your college?" I prodded.

"Yeah, my college. Why else would you be here without wearing the suit? Can't be superhero shit... Must be for personal reasons," he chuckled.

This mother fucking bastard is flirting with me without realising that I, Y/N L/N, have been doing the same college major as him for the past few years and he still doesn't fucking remember me.

"Hey Peter?" I asked politely, seething with anger but trying to keep my cool.


"What's my name?" I asked gently.

"What?" He asked with a stupid dumb look on his face. It was cute but still immensely stupid.

"What. Is. My. Name?" I repeated, this time more directly.

"You actually haven't told me, which is weird considering we've slept together and everything," he laughed, not understand the severity of the situation at hand and speaking quite casually.

"You're fucking unbelievable Parker..." I sighed, opening the closet door and walking out down the corridor. He followed after me, obviously confused.

"Did- Did I do something wrong?" He asked naively.

"I've been in half of your classes for the past four fucking years Peter. I sit behind you with MJ, I've been to your parties, I've run into you at Delmars and I know you order the same sandwich as me. You're honestly just so fucking self obsessed you don't care about anyone but yourself," I scoffed, turning around to face him.

"You know I order a number five with pickles? And you get the same?" He asked cocking his head to the side. Typical, he doesn't remember our interaction at Delmars so of course he wouldn't remember that I order the same as him and that we had a distinct conversation about him asking about what college I went to and that we were in the same classes.

"That's all you got from that? You know, you've never even looked twice at me or even attempted to get to know me until now. But hey! Now that you saw the face under the mask you suddenly think I'm hot enough to sleep with... Go figure, now you really can boast around saying you've finally slept with Spider Woman. But I can guarantee you wouldn't boast about sleeping with me like this, just when I'm in the suit," I huff, turning on my feet to walk into the lecture hall.

"Wait, can I at least know your name now that you're so pissed about it?" He called out behind me, following me to our class.

"If you want to know my name, do it like a fucking normal person who genuinely cares about knowing the people around him. You know, you're so conscious about being a proper Stark and hating how you're expected to follow in Tony's playboy footsteps... But don't worry, you're worse. You probably don't even realise the reputation you have around here of just being a fucking asshole because you think the whole world revolves around you," I said back, not turning around and carefully opening the door to the lecture hall; luckily not alerting the teacher as I sat down next to MJ.

Out of my peripheral vision I could see MJ staring at me from the side. I just stared ahead, watching the teacher but not listening to anything he was saying. I just knew I had to focus on not crying.

MJ pushed her notebook towards me, tapping her fist at a little written message on a blank page.

What happened?
Was it :) or :(
Or maybe ;) ???

I looked down and took her pen from the desk, looking at Peter take a seat in the row in front of us, sitting diagonally to me next to Ned and Liz. The exact same seats as he always sat in. He looked at me before he sat, but I swiftly looked back down at the notebook.

It was definitely :(
Even >:(

MJ leant her head on my shoulder and took the pen from me. The clicked it a few hundred thousand times to make me laugh, before writing back to my simple message.

He's an asshole don't worry

I smiled to myself, pulling the pen from her right fist as she fought me for it. I thought about what to write back to that. It was true. It was very true. Do I say that? Fuck I just don't even want to be around him anymore.

"Yo MJ, you wanna grab some food after this? Maybe go to the arcade on East 22nd afterwards?" Ned said turning around and whispering to MJ.

"Can we both come?" MJ smiled back at him naively.

I think Ned was kind of asking her on a casual type of date. He definitely seemed kind of flirtatious in a soft and innocent way. As much as MJ gets lucky with both guys and girls sexually, she's not great at picking up hints romantically.

"Yeah of course! Pete you wanna come?" He said elbowing his friend.

"Sure, where are we going?" he asked Ned.

"Delmars and then the arcade," Ned whispered, not wanting to alert Liz and make her get all jealous and psycho over Peter.

Part of me wanted her to hear just so she would stop Peter from going. Then I could pull out and just let MJ and Ned go by themselves.

"Just us?" Peter asked.

"And them," Ned said tilting his head back towards us.

"Sweet," Peter smiled, firstly at Ned, then at me.

MJ smiled at them as they turned back around, taking the pen and notebook back and scribbling along the page. I was livid at the fact I had to spend time with Peter now. Also, it's really weird that MJ asked for me to come with her and Ned.

I guess she's just nervous. She's not the dating type, she usually flirts with someone she has sexual tension with, had sex with them and that's about it. After a while of taking down notes from the professor down the front, MJ pushing the notebook back towards me.

Peter >
< You
Me and Ned ^

And underneath her labels, was a detailed sketch of the four of us at the arcade; Peter lying either passed out or more likely dead on the floor of a Dance Dance Revolution game. You know the ones where you dance and step on the arrows? I was standing next to him killing him with a gun from a deer shooting game, I guess it was a real gun and not a plastic one. Her and Ned were both eating popcorn and standing next to a skeeball machine watching us both innocently.

I held back a laugh as I pulled the notebook towards me along with her pen.

Peter >
Me, You and Ned >

My drawing was just stick figures, definitely not as detailed as MJ's drawing that actually looked good. My stick figure was the same as hers except I was joining her and Ned eating popcorn whilst Peter remained dead.

I like this drawing a lot better.

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