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In a wide eyed state of shock, it took me a few seconds to process what was actually happening given that the music was louder inside his bedroom than from outside in the corridor. My hand which was still holding the door handle, flew up to semi shield my face and attempt to give Peter some sort of privacy as he too was caught off guard.

He fumbled with his phone at the same time he jolted forwards to pull his bed sheets over his lap, trying to cover himself up. Although, as he pulled the sheets, his phone slipped off the bed still playing the pornographic video he had been watching and jerking off to as I walked in. Despite the music of The Neighbourhood playing through the speakers, I could still vaguely hear the sounds of over exaggerated moaning from the device on the carpet.

"Fuck, fuck oh my god," I said quickly, pulling the door closed behind me as I rushed back to my own bedroom.

It wasn't anything I hadn't seen before. But it was a deeply personal moment that I had just walked in on. Yes, Peter may well have fingered me in the past, but would I want him seeing me finger myself to porn? Fuck no. Although I would probably have locked the door.

I have a vibrator at home which comes in handy when I'm stressed or horny or bored. I usually pull it out when I know Aunt May and Uncle Ben aren't home or if they're asleep. I think before I wank. This whole situation though? Not thought out well at all. Not only was his door unlocked at like ten at night, but there were multiple people in Avengers Compound right now that could easily have walked in.

1. Me, which evidently was the person who walked in and saw him jerking off to porn on his phone.

2. His father Tony, who I don't think would care not make a fuss about it. He'd just close the door and leave.

3. His mother Pepper who would be traumatised.

4. His younger sister Morgan who would probably not understand what was going on and then bring it up casually over dinner.

5. Gwen Stacy, his ex girlfriend who is now into women and wouldn't be turned on in the slightest.

6. Bucky, who would have undoubtedly teased Peter for months on end about it.

7. Natasha, who also would have teased Peter.

8. And Jarvis.

I don't think Jarvis counts as a person who could walk in on Peter, but Jarvis knows everything about everyone. I mean, Jarvis would have known that I slept with Peter in their house right? Can Jarvis see? Or does he just listen? How does Jarvis even work? I've never really thought about it I just nodded and accepted the fact Tony Stark had a strange artificial intelligence voice wherever he went.

As I sat on the edge of my bed still confused at the fact I had witnessed Peter watching porn which his tracksuit pants around his ankles and his phone laying on his chest. Why was he even turned on right now? We just fought, outed Gwen and her sexuality and then decided it was time to sleep.

Without knocking, Peter barged into my room and quickly closed her door behind him as he leant with his back against it. This was yet another that had caught me off guard and co tributing to my confusion.

"I'm so sorry that you just saw that," Peter said with his brows furrowed in worry.

"I uh, I didn't see anything. Don't worry," I lied, trying to make him feel better as he stayed at the doorway.

"I feel like I need to explain," he said screwing his face up and sighing.

"You really don't have t-" I started as he cut me off by explaining it anyway.

"I was obviously concerned and annoyed but also pretty sad that you've been ignoring me and that you hated me all of a sudden. Except when you were going off at me tonight you were kind of hot being all angry and shit. But then we went to Gwen's room and I got distracted by that whole deep conversation. Then we all went back to our rooms and I thought about how you could still be angry at me and I was like oh shit I'm sad but then thinking about you being angry was like, oh that's kind of hot, but then I got worried again because if you didn't forgive me it would suck ass. And I got this really weird confusing boner because I was horny but also worried that you hated me? Fuck! And then my brain accidentally thought about Gwen getting with a girl which I hate to admit turned me on because I don't want to fetishise queer relationships but then I switched my mind back to you and I was like fuck I need to get rid of this boner and then I found some porn and then you walked in and yeah- I'm just sorry you saw that," he rambled, speaking at a hundred miles an hour.

"Peter you are overthinking this way too much... I literally turned away when I realised what you were doing and left the room straight away. You really didn't have to give me your whole thought process about why you were turned on," I reassured him.

Although I was slightly curious earlier to know why he was turned on so it answered my question.

"It's just so fucking embarrassing though. Like, only simps wank," he groaned.

"That is such bullshit. Everyone masturbates," I said screwing my face up.

"Yeah but it's like, everyone knows but you still deny it and act like you don't. You get me? Like how everyone knows girls poop but it's still kinda like, your brain assumes they don't?" He whined.

"What are you even talking about..." I said slowly, just watching this boy lose his fucking mind in front of me.

"I just- Are you still angry at me?" He said changing the subject suddenly.

"I was annoyed you bailed on a burning building yeah, but neither of us can change that now can we? Just don't do it again and we're fine," I chuckled.

"Seriously? You don't hate me?" He said looking up at me and moving his hand from his mouth.

"Jesus Christ, do you overthink things this much a lot?" I joked.

"Yeah, Pepper says it's one of the things that makes me Tony's son," Peter chuckled, finally looking like he was starting to calm down.

I knew that Tony had pretty bad anxiety and that he was taking medication for it. I mean, most of the world knew that the great and mighty Iron Man had anxiety after he had a manic episode during a press release and ended up snapping at a reporter before crying. That was like ten years ago though, but I still remember seeing it on the news.

"Do you... Want to come and sit down? We can watch a movie until you're chill and not saying a billion words at a time?" I shrugged, moving to the other side of my bed and smiling at him softly.

He looked reluctant to say yes, still trying to figure out if I truly forgave him or not. And I don't forgive him for bailing on the mission, I wouldn't forgive anyone for that unless they had a truly good reason. But as long as he learns from his mistakes then that's what matters. Also, I feel really embarrassed I assumed he was fucking Gwen this whole time and turned into a psycho bitch.

"Are you going to hit me?" He asked quietly, walking over to my bed and sitting down slowly.

"Oh my god Peter no, this is so unlike you," I said turning on the projector that shon the Netflix home page on the wall opposite us as a television screen.

"You just haven't seen me get anxious before, that's all," he said softly, putting his legs underneath the blankets and leaning against the bed frame.

I could tell that he was now embarrassed I had witnessed him in a panic attack along with the jerking off situation. He wasn't in a hyper state anymore, he was starting to get quieter, calmer.

"Did you at least cum and get rid of your boner?" I taunted, knowing that I wasn't going to be able to not make a joke about it.

"The anxiety definitely killed the mood, so no," he laughed back.

"So should I put the porn video back on for you or?" I teased again, getting an annoyed Peter rolling his eyes at me and telling me I was 'the fucking worst'.

Which I didn't mind because of two things; the first being that Peter was visibly more calm. The second was that I hadn't fucked up my friendship with Peter because we were joking around with each other again.

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