😢Till We Meet Again😢

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*starts playing In another life to intensify the pain*

"Yo, long time no see Tobio-kun" Miya Atsumu, a rival, a fellow setter, yellow tinted hair which Tobio sometimes calls piss color in his mind, and worst of all his ex.

"Ahh it sure has been Miya-san" he called the last name with spite in it, it is safe to assume that the relationship between the two didn't work out at all. The blonde (or piss color)  haired boy laughed awkwardly.

"I-uhh..... How you've been? " he asked slowly, afraid of being in the other end of the raven haired boy's anger.

"Why don't you tell me that Miya-san? How do you think I've been? " he glared.

"Look... I'm sorry. " Atsumu said while looking at the ground shuffling in place. They were currently under a lamp post in the middle of the night. There was no way telling on why they are there but a good explanation would bd that their feet just took them there. [(Y'know for plot)]

"You very well know that sorry just doesn't cut it..... Especially after what you did to me.. " the raven glared harder and if looks can kill well... Let's just say Atsumu wouldn't even be existing in this world anymore even in the afterlife...

"Tobio-kun.. Just... Listen to me okay? " the other said with a gentle voice as he tried to approach the raven. Tobio, noticing this stepped back. Seeing this, Atsumu felt his aching. He stopped in his tracks as to not scare the other away.

"Atsumu... Just.... I've found someone better." Tobio said to him looking right into his eyes, silence consumed the two, the only thing that would be heard was their breath and the wind blowing by them. Making them both shiver, but Atsumu doesn't know if it was what Tobio said that made him shiver of the cold breeze.

"I- Tobio.... That... That isn't fair at all" Tobio hitched a breath but suddenly sighed.

"Miya-san... It just hurts you know... I trusted you but this is what you did to me? " tears welled up in the raven's eyes. Atsumu couldn't help but feel guilty just by looking at them.

"I'm sorry... " Atsumu whispered. Begging, showing, that he regretted the thing he did to Tobio.

Tobio wiped his unshed tears and stared up at thr sky, before looking back at him again, staring directly at the eyes who stared at him with love, guilt and sorrow. He too had the same eyes but the guilt was overtaken with anger.

"Till we meet again Miya-san..... Atsumu..." Atsumu stared, finally hearing his given name being called with such a gentle voice, but the affection it had was gone. Ashamed and guilty, knowing he did that to himself. He looked away, no longer able to look at the other's eye.

"Maybe, in another life. You wouldn't have done the same mistake..." With a final glare, Tobio's eyes soften at the guilty Man. He stared for a moment before turning his back, and walking to the other direction. No longer looking at the man he once shed affection for.

'Pain intensifies. Blasting in another life on the speaker*

♚KAWAIIYAMA♚ (Kageyama Tobio Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now