🏐Birthday Special🏐🎉Happy Birthday🎉

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⇨Kageyama X ?⇦

The month of December, undeniably the most awaited month of the year, besides summer vacation of course. The month of thanksgiving and especially Christmas, where we give gifts to each other but for one Raven haired it's also the month of which he was born.

The 22nd of Decemeber. It was the most special day for the Raven boy, but as the years went by it felt like any other day to him. After the second year of middle school, he didn't have his grandpa and his sister by his side to celebrate it since even his parents weren't there. All those years before it was always with his Grandpa but now that he's gone, he felt lonely. No one to give him those early Birthday pancakes and early wishes of Happy Birthday.

The day finally came again, waking up early as usual but not wanting to get up, the Raven stared at his ceiling for hours. Reminiscing how whenever this day comes he felt lazy and always had to be forced off of bed by his grandpa with a big smile and a hug wishing him a Happy Birthday. When he felt the tears start to well up, he quickly wiped them off and finally had the will to get prepared.

He did his routine rather lazily, he didn't care if the Boke will win today's race, he just didn't had the strength to do so. He was finally done with his routine and went outside with his scarf and jacket on. Once he was at the front of the gate, he was already late for morning practice so he just went to class.

Finally the bell rang and the classroom started to flood in with students, he looked out the window to distract himself but it didn't work at all, it only made him be consumed more with his thoughts.

While in class he felt his phone vibrate and took a quick look from it. It was from his sister.

Yo! Tobio. It's another year of you growing up again. My baby brother is starting to leave the nest already  Q_Q.

Anyways, sorry I wont be there to celebrate with you again. With the upcoming winter break, the teachers started to give us a lot of projects.

No matter, you have your new team to celebrate it with you right?  Make sure to clean the house after that though. I'll try coming home as soon as possible and buy you your favorite milk ♡♡♡♡♡

Happy Birthday Tobio!

After reading his sister's text, he felt as though a little weight in his chest was lifted but one question stayed with him. Does his team even remember his birthday?  During the camp with the others they started exchanging information to get to know each other more. That includes birthdays.

'So they know right? Or did they forget... '  He was saddened at this, it's not like he isn't used to it, even last time. Kindaichi and Kunimi used to celebrate it with him and his Grandpa but at the last year of middle school they completely ignored him. He was used to it, he should be used to it.

Afternoon practice came. His attitude hasn't changed a bit since morning besides the added Sting to his heart. He just thought that maybe this time it would be different but ofcourse, that's just his wishful thinking.

He waited, but got nothing. Nothing at all, not even a greet. 'They did forget' he felt the Sting in his heart starts to hurt more. The only thing that came was Hinata's taunt of him winning today's race, Daichi scolding him about not attending his morning practice, Tanaka and Noya snickering that he was starting to rebel, The other three second years just watching them, Sugawara trying to calm Daichi along with Asahi trying to stop the two second year, Yamaguchi trying to stop Tsukishima and Tsukishima's teasing about the whole King thing again.

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