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⇨Oikawa x Kageyama⇦

A young boy at the age of 5 was quietly sitting on his room scribbling something on a piece of paper. He wore a smile that could shine brighter than the sun. "Hmm? What's that?" The boy's mother said noticing what her son was doing. The boy looked up towards his mother and smiled proudly. He explained that he wants to practice writing especially after being fascinated about how people communicate with each other before.

The woman sighed saying that letters takes too long to be sent, that's why they use internet now a days. 'Besides, just use those other times in studying things that are actually important and helpful' The boy's smile turned upside down but nodded to his mother. He then looked down at his paper where he was writing a letter to his mother about taking her for all the things she's done for him. "But it is important.... "


"Oi! Shittykawa! Stop making fun of the first year!" A third year said throwing a ball at the back of 'Shittykawa's' head. 'Shittykawa' rubbed the back of his head to soothed the pain. "Ittai! Iwa-chan!" He shouted and started ranting about how mean 'Iwa-chan' treats him

The first year who 'Shittykawa' was making fun off just stared at the two's exchange. He wanted his senpai to teach him that powerful serve he does, but everytime he asks, his senpai would always make faces (which he didnt understand at all.) Time passed and he asked his senpai again about teaching him.

But that day his senpai was in a very bad mood. He came at the wrong time and almost got hit (he wasn't aware that it was about to happen though) before his other black haired senpai came to his rescue and helped Oikawa by snapping him out of this kind of mentality. He made Kageyama go home to which the Kouhai obliged too.

Kageyama who was putting his outside shoes on and was at the gym's door heard the two talking with each other. He couldn't help but envy those who has people right beside them, through thick and thin.

He finally made it home and was met with a dark room. All of the house's lights were off, he made his way to the doorsteps quietly and wondering if his mother is not home. He then went to search for his mother, calling out to her. He finally made it to his room and opened it. There was some money on it which he didn't understand at all. Where is his mother?  Why is there money left for me?  Did she leave?  Where did she go?


A year passed and the third years are about to retire to prepare for high school and to focus more on their studies. Some of his senpais stayed which are Oikawa and Iwaizumi. After that day he rarely annoys his senpai about the serves and also rarely see his mother.

He stayed with his grandfather so he could have someone to be with since he's still quite young and his grandpa is more than happy to have someone to keep him company. Tobio was now going to become a second year in middle school. He's gonna be a senpai and a starting setter since Oikawa is gone. He wants to help his team which in turn led to worse

Hi grandpa died... The death his him hard. He was the one who introduced him to the sport he loves, he couldn't take seeing his team-mates considering volleyball as just a hobby or a game. For him it was his everything, the only thing he has left. He became the well known 'King of the court'.  Those who he considered as friend and team-mates turned their backs from his set. For a setter, a spiker not at all trying to hit his sets.. It felt humiliating and as if they completely not acknowledge his existence anymore. They couldn't deal with him anymore so they overthrew him.

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