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⇨Kuroo X Kageyama⇦

"Well well well if it isn't the setter of Karasuno. What are you doing here? " a certain bed headed city boy called out. The Raven turned around and saw the Nekoma captain. He bowed a little to show respect and greeted him.

"Ohh I'm currently visiting my sister. She lives here. " he replied looking around and started fidgeting from nervousness. "Ohh??  You sure it isn't your girlfriend? ~" he teased. The Raven merely looked at him confused.

"I'm sure Kuroo-san. Besides I have no time for that if I'm going pro."

"Now now, don't think like that little crow. Sometimes people needs someone beside them ya know? " he said with a triumph smile and patted the setter's head. Kageyama pushed it away and glared at him.

"My team is enough for that. Having a lover might just get in the way of my volleyball. Like what happened to Oikawa-san" he mumbled the last bit while turning away.

"Happened to who now?  Well anyways. Believe me someday you'd be longing for someone to hold~" he teased and it made the Raven blush at the thought but it was completely washed away when the older male moved closer and whispered in his ear. "Or maybe even someone who'd hold you~" he said with a gruff and deep voice that just sent shivers down the younger's spine.

Kuroo moved back and was satisfied with the flustered expression he had received. "See ya around little crow. Be careful maybe another cat might want you for it's meal. " he waved good-bye and left the still annoyed flustered setter.

Finally coming to his senses, Kageyama was able to make it to his sister's appartment. "Yo bro, what took you so long? " he heard his sister asked while he was removing his shoes and placing them at the corner of the doorway.

"Just met with a senpai of mine" he replied while putting his indoor shoes on. Looking up to his sister, he saw that she was wearing her work clothes still.

"You just got home? " he asked and lead them to the kitchen

"Yep!  Boss asked me to work overtime a little. She sighed tiredly and sat at the chair while Tobio was preparing their meal.

"Now then, tell me about this senapi of yours~"

"It's a boy Miwa-Nee. "

"Meh. Still something, besides gender doesn't matter! " she shouted with full confidence.

"Yes, yes, Miwa-nee. You have planted that thought in my brain ever since I was a child. " he replied with a smile which his sister proudly returned.

"Now that we got that out of the way. I was you know... Uhh... " she stuttered out, not knowing how to tell him this news.

"Spit it out. I don't have all day. " he said as he was putting the meal in the table.

"Okay so.. I may or may not have assigned you on a blind date. " with that news, Tobio stopped in his tracks and looked at his sister furiously. The expression made Miwa shiver and stand up from her chair, slowly walking backwards with hands out as a way to stop her younger brother.

"Come on Tobio. I-im just worried you'd be alone all your life and and uhh... Th-this can be a way to get to know other people. Yeah! " she stated as though she was also trying to persuade herself.

"Then you could've asked me if I wanted to do it!  I'm not going! " he shouted.

"Pleaeeee Tobiooo. Pleaseeeee" she begged and finally had the guts to go near her brother.

♚KAWAIIYAMA♚ (Kageyama Tobio Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now