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"Dada!" A baby shouted and the whole team turned around at the source. There they saw a young boy at the age of 1 or 2 in the doorway of the gym. Holding hands with a black haired girl. The boy had black hair, blue eyes and holding a baby bottle with his right and reaching out with his left.

"Sorry to interrupt your practice" the woman said still trying to get ahold of the boy. One of the setter made his way to the woman. "Hello. Who might you be? " the silver haired setter asked, squatting down to reach the boy's level. "That's Kageyam-" the woman was about to Finnish but the team shouted cutting her off. "Oi!  What's with calling my name all of a sudden! " the boy who was called ask, he came from the back of the gym so when he came to the front he wore a shock expression.

"What are you guys doing here?" He questioned and the whole team let their thoughts wander into an endless cycle of thoughts that isn't even half true.  "Ehh?!  Bakageyama. You have a son?! " the short oranged haired boy asked with a booming voice, shock at the conclusion he had. "Excuse me, what? " Kageyama said and made a 'are u serious
face' towards the team. The woman holding the boy chuckled. "You must have misunderstood me. This guy right here is me and Tobio's cousin. Kageyama Mio" the team sighed while a tall blonde, dinosaur lover chuckled and made fun of them saying how stupid that they would think the king even knows how sexual reproduction is and how the king even knows how to take care of a kid. Hinata, Tanaka and Noya were now fighting Tsukishima about what he said while Yamaguchi tried to calm them down with the help of Asahi.

"For your information four eyes. I do know how to take care of a kid" he said and walked towards Mio. The kid reached out to him and he smiled and picked him up. The kid laughed. "Dada! Dada! " Mio shouted again and again. The team stood there shock about the new side of Kageyama that they didn't knew exist. "Anyways, Tobio. Aunt said for us to take care of him for a few weeks since Uncle and her are going to need to go somewhere for their jobs" the woman explained. "Why bring him here though? " he asked and help Mio's hand.  "I need to do something for school. My schedule is getting.... Out of hand...  So please take care of him for me. Please!  I'll buy you something in return" the woman explained and pleaded to Tobio. He sighed and nodded, the woman then rushed out the door saying goodbye To Mio and Tobio. Giving them a kiss on the forehead. "Ne ne Kageyama-kun. Who was she? " the orange haired boy asked and went near Kageyama. "She's my sister. Miwa" he said calmly and plced Mio down. "So what do you wanna do little guy? " Kageyama questioned warmly to the little boy facing him. Still holding his bottle.

"Moma said that I could play volleyball with Dada!  I wanna play volleyball! " the kid cheered and Kageyama smiled he gave the kid a head pat and lead him towards the opposite side of everyone so that they wouldn't be on the teams way. "Never knew Kageyama was so good at children. " the captain whispered towards his team. Still looking at the two boys in the corner.

The captain soon snapped his head away from the sight and called out to the team "Alright Everyone!  Let's get back to practice! " the team made their way to their designated spot and the practice began. They were practicing receives to Hinata's dismay. He grumbled when he face planted on the floor after he tried receiving the ball thr coach threw.

Out of the corner, Kageyama was still watching what his team were doing while taking care of the child. He then heard a laugh after the failure of a receive that the 'boke' as to what Kageyama calls him, done.

"Dada, he looks funny. " the kid said pointing at the boy who was standing in amazement when Noya did his signature move, the Rolling Thunder! "I wanna try that!!  Rorring!  Tanda!" mio said jumping up and down and tried to pronounce the word. He then soon sat down and tried rolling of the floor. Kageyama snorted at this and picked him up.

"Uh-uh, Mio. Cant risk you being dirty. Auntie is gonna kill me" Kageyama said to the child and shivered at the thought of his aunt.

While the two were talking a silver haired man started walking up to them. "You sure are great with kids, Kageyama" at this, Kageyama turned around to face his senpai with his signature angelic smile. "Ohh hello Sugawara-senpai" he said and bowed a little still carrying the child in his arm. "I thought you were still at practice. " he said tilting his head in question which his nephew saw and copied. Sugawara chuckled at the cuteness "Coach decided to give us a break after Hinata kept face planting on the floor" he said pointing at the tram behind him.

When Kageyama looked he saw Hinata being held back by Ennoshita who has a scared look because of Daichi who was emitting a dark aura. Asahi was trying to calm Daichi. Tanaka was warning thr others, feeling Daichi's terrifying gaze while Noya on the other hand was cheering for Shoyo. Tsukishima was continuing his taunts and Yamaguchi was trying to stop Tsukishima, but all he got in return was a simple 'Urusai, Yamaguchi' which he replied with 'Gomen Tsuki' . The two other second years though, were just watching the scene unfold while drinking some water after an exhausting receives.

When Sugawara noticed the look that Kageyama was making he looked back at the team and sighed. He then turned back to Kageyama and smiled a little as he made his way to their team. Kageyama didn't know what to do so he just followed him.

"I leave for a couple of minutes and this happen?! " Sugawara said with a hint of dissapointment, anger, amusement and frustration. The team looked frightened by this and froze. Sugawara sighed and was about to speak again when a voice interrupted him.

"Mama!! " the little boy shouted in Kageyama's arms as he reached forward for Suga. Suga turned for this and made a delighted face and took the kid in Kageyama's arms. "Ehh?!  Mama?! Wait so Sugawara-senpai is Mama and Kageyama-kun is Dada?! " the loud mouth said, he was the first to break out of the trance. After that the duo started their thing. They teased Kageyama and Sugawara nonstop and Tsukishima joined from time to time. Amused to see the King slightly embarrassed and turning red from anger or embarassment.

Sugawara was so focused on the child in his arms and took in his features. He had the same shade of Kageyama's hair, he had blue eyes like him aswell but the kid had a much more lighter color. He had fair skin and a smile that Sugawara can't help but adore. Mio started to grow tired and yawned in his arms.

He looked up and saw Kageyama still being teased, he sighed at his teammates childish antics and smirked. He walkled towards him and tugged on his shirt with the free hand he had. "Well then, let's go home Kageyama-kun. Don't want to make Our child sleep in such an uncomfortable position." He said and pulled Kageyama out the gym. Kageyama looked at him in bewilderment, his ears were red.

Kageyama then looked back at hi teammates and they held a look that they've been doing a lot these days. They then went home for the day. Going to Kageyama's house, missing the rest of practice and took care of the child together. Mio grew attached to Sugawara sl whenever he tries to leave, he'd always tear up and starts to throw a tantrum. Sugawara then asked Kageyama why Mio calls him Dada which Kageyama answered. "Me and uncle kinda looks similar in some ways. At first thats what I thought but taking care of him more, he looked at me like I was his pillar. A pillar, that's what I always thought a father would be." He replied while looking at the sleeping Mio infront of him. "Then why do you think he called me Mama? " Sugawara questioned and looked at Mio aswell, caressing his hair softly. "Probably because of how you treated the team, mothers are what they called the light of the home right?  I think he saw how you tried quiding the team and maybe it's also cause he see how auntie scolds us" he said and chuckled at the end. Sugawara looked at him and smiled warmly. He didn't know this side of Tobio but he's sure that he can't wait to see more of it.

"Then I'd be expecting some help taking care of Our~ Child~ Tobio-Kun~" Sugawara teased with a sweet voice calling out his given name. To this Kageyama turned red and looked away, averting his gaze anywhere but his senpai.

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