🏐TsukiKage🏐♞Your Knight♞

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"If it isn't the King of the court, are you also here to trample on us mere commoners, or are you here to shower us with your tyranny." A voice that shows venom and hatred said to Kageyama who was buying milk at the vending machine after an exhausting match. He turned around and scowl at the person where the sentence came from.

"What do you want. " he said to the group of people cornering him. They were looking at him with a hateful look. "Tsk? Can't we just say hello to our old King? " the what Kageyama assumes as the leader of this said group of people said with the hint of malice?

Kageyama slowly backed away as the group approaches him. "What?  Did the King forget us?  Are we that much of a low life to not even be remembered by our one and only King?" The man said again looking more frustrated.

Everytime the word King came out of their mouth you would hear the malice and grudge it holds. Kageyama didn't know what he was supposed to do. He assumed that these people came from Kitagawa Daichi  his old school, where the nickname King came from.

Kageyama couldn't help but remember Tsukishima saying these words to him, he did felt frustrated that Tsukishima likes to tease him with this but from what he can tell, Tsukishima doesn't seem to have this kind of tone towards him. A tone of hatred, disapproval, annoyance and especially a Disgusted tone. It felt so different, he felt cornered. What should he do.

In the midst of thinking Kageyama didn't hear the calls of the person infront of him. It made the person more annoyed thinking that Kageyama was ignoring them on purpose. He clenched his fist tight, and punched him in the face. It made Kageyama snapped out of his trance with wide eyes, holding the stinging cheek where he was previously punched.

The group began to laugh at Kageyama's expression. "Finally!  The King stopped ignoring us. " the leader cheered and his friends laughed with him. He looked back at Kageyama. "Aww, is the King bout' to cry from a simple boo-boo" he laughed and made a face. The group then began to tease him.

He didn't notice the tears that was falling down his eyes as he stared at the ground beneath him. He couldn't Dare to look up.


"alright!  Everyone head inside the bus!  We're leaving soon! " the coach shouted at his team. As the Karasuno team began to fill in the bus the coach noticed a certain raven haired setter missing. He went inside the bus where everyone except Kageyama was seated, talking amongst themselves.

"Has anyone seen Kageyama? " he said loud enough for the whole team to hear. They stopped their chit chat and looked at the coach. The all began to shake their heads. "Ohh he said he was just going to get some milk" Yamaguchi said remembering the raven haired telling him that before making his way to the vending machine.

"I'mma go check on him! " the energetic orange head boy said starting to jump up and make his way out when a tall salty fry stood up and cut infront of the tangerine first.

"I'll go, I need to buy something anyways. " he says nonchalantly. He tried to hide the worry and lies hidden behind his voice but his bestfriend Yamaguchi knows better and just shook his head and pulled Hinata back who was questioning Tsukishima.

Tsukishima looked around carefully and made sure to check every corner while he was walking towards the said vending machine. When he made the turn he saw a bunch of students over there, he immediately turn back around thinking that the king wouldn't stay there especially with a bunch of people. Until he heard such a disgusting sentence come out from one of the students mouth

"The king is crying boo-hoo. What?  Do you want something to cover your head like a towel maybe to hide your crying face? " he said with a thinking pose and a sarcastic voice, little by little towards the end of the sentence he walks closer and closer with a smirk on his face.

Tsukishima immediately stride his way towards the middle of the group, pushing aside some of the students, they stood there with wide eyes. When he made it to the middle he saw his one and only king bowing his head on these commoners.

He walked towards him and held him in his arms. He felt the raven haired flinch but relaxed when he found out who was holding him. Tsukishima looked at the 'lowlifes' and sent them a glare.

"What do you think you're doing? " he said with a harsh tone towards the people infront of him, making sure he was holding his king tight.

"We're just putting the king to where he belongs" he said looking around his group for agreement which they all nodded too. Tsukishima smirked at them "Then shouldn't you be bowing before him not the other way around?" From this statement the leader flinched and looked at him.

"And what would you know?  You weren't there to see what he did? " the person countered back talking about what happened in middle school, hearing this Kageyama flinched and bowed his head more. Tsukishima looked at the boy in his arms and looked at them again.

"You're right.I wasn't there, but I'm here now and I will make sure no one will hurt MY King" Tsukishima said making sure to stress put the word my. The students stood there stunned. Kageyama looked up at him with a surprise look. He looked at him and buried the kings face in his arm as he pushed through the groups.

"T-thank you. " the raven haired said with a quiet voice. "Tsk. You shouldn't thank me. " he said annoyingly and remove his hold to the setter.  When he looked at him he saw tears rolling down in his eyes. Tsukishima's annoyed face turned softer and held his king's face to look at him.

"Hey, what's wrong?  What happened? " he said softly which caused Kageyama to hug him and hold him tight. "Am I really that much of a tyrant king before that it's just engraved in their minds that I could never change? " he said throught tears and muffled voice. Tsukishima rubbed his back and calmed him down.

"Shh, it's okay. You were a tyrant back then but it was BACK THEN. If they can't see that you've changed, they're idiots." He said emphasising the back then and saying the last sentence with an annoyed tone which made the setter chuckle.

Kageyama let go and looked at him as he wiped his tears away. "Thanks again. " he said looking away but when he looked back he saw the blond head slowly kneeling and bowing down. "Everything for my king. I am your Knight, protecting you is my soul duty."

Looking at the scene infront of him Kageyama couldn't help but smile, not the creepy smile that the team saw but a genuine smile. He covered his mouth as a giggle got out and beckoned Tsukishima to stand up. "Please take care of me. My Knight. "

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