Crack Oneshot(Im bored lol)

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When I say crack I meant crack no plot whatsoever pure fricken chaos.

"HE'S MINE" someone said with a gremlin sounding voice. Guess who it is already?




You guessed it!  It was Tsukishima.

He was currently holding a little dino plushie which was found in the setter's basement. Kidding it was actually the attic wait no.... It was actually under his bed.

So you may be asking why the hell is Tsukishima holding a little dino plushie which was from under Kageyama's bed while shouting like a Fricken gremlin.

Well you see three of his senpais are currently surround him like that one scene from Jurassic park trying to get the dino plushie which is again from under Kageyama's bed.

And who might this be?  Well it's the famous forgotten trio ofcourse!  What a contradiction in the name.

"YOU PEACR OF **********" Yamaguchi shouted charging at Tsukishima trying to get the dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed (keep count on how many times I typed it JK)

"Ayoo someone's gonna get all their bones broken" Sugawara commented as they watch the two fight over the dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed.

"Want some popcorn?" Asahi said while holding a bucket towards the other male. He was currently wearing 3D glasses cause he said to hell with it. He's going to finally enjoy some chaos.

"Bark bark woof woof arf arf AWOOOOO" Daichi for some reason started shouting at the former bestfriend first years who were fighting over the dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed.

"Daichi, I thought we were crows. Why the hell are you acting like a fricking dog. What are you a bi-" Before Kiyoko could finish her sentence her mouth was covered by the younger manager.

"Shush! There are kids here. Besides. Go Daichi-san!  Bite them!" Yachi started cheering.


"Get your f*ckin dog b*sh!"Tsukishima shouted as Daichi started to try and take away the dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed.

"It don't bite. " Suga replied nonchalantly.


"Fuck this sh*t I'm out" Said couach as he saw the scene where literally almost all his team are fighting over the dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed.

"I'm ander dah watah ples help meh." said Hinata who was indeed under the water. How was he talking?  No one knows. ✨it's MAGIC✨

"What the dog doin? " asked Tanaka as he saw Daichi this time trying to literally bite Tsukishima's arms while the hiss at him.

"THAT IS FRICKIN AWESOME!  AYOO ASAHI RECORD ME AS I CANNONBALL TO SHOUYO" Nishinoya shouted when he saw Hinata literally standing under the water staring at the scene with wide eyes.

"Already on it Noya" Asahi replied, moving his phone cam towards Noya which was previously recording people fighting over the dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed.

"CANNONBALL!!!!" as he was about to hit the water the gym door suddenly burst open. There standing at the door was the owner of the dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed which was......

Drumroll please.....



"What are you doing with the dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed.  I mean Tobio nii-san's bed" he asked curiously but no one knows he is almost at 100%.

Tsukishima hissed at him when he said that and quickly pranced towards the corner of the gym but was levitated by Shigeo or Mob causing him to drop the dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed.

"Well this sure was a party" A certain raven hair setter said as he picked up the fallen dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed.

You might be asking what's with the dino plushie from under Kageyama's bed?  Well you see inside the dino plushie is something he mostly use while in bed that makes him hot and sometimes bothered also making him sweating it is also pretty long it may or may not be thick aswell causing him to be more hot.

Now then. What do you think it is?




It's a blanket ofcourse! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

[Wrote this while bored also cause I'm trying not to panic since I have to deliver a speech infront of the school and I am incapable of doing such a thing without stuttering LOL]


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