Chp. 48

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LIANA'S POINT OF VIEW!! (OMG How long has it been her POV?!?!)


"The plane is landing! The plane is landing! The plane is L-A-N-D-"

"Yes! We know! Its landing!" Zayn smirked, intrupting my chant.

"Sorry! Im just so happy to be back in England. Gahh!" I cried, jumping up and down in my seat.

Zayn raised an eyebrow. "I thought you loved the US."

"I love both!" I shrieked. "OMG Look! I can see peoples on the ground! Hi peoples! HI!"

"Wow." The Bradford Bad Boy muttered. I stuck my tongue out at him in response.

"I cant wait to see the look on her face when she sees-" Niall was cut off by a death glare from Liam. "Sorry."

I looked at my brother. "I see what now?"

"Nothing." Liam said.

"Tell me."




"Fine! Be that way." I crossed my arms.

Harry laughed and gave me a hug. "You know we all love you." That made me smile. Love. Such a beautiful thing. Oh great, that sounded cheesy.

"I love you all too." I said, kissing his cheek.

The plane finally landed on the ground and I shot up from my seat. Harry strapped Emma into her baby carrier. I grabbed my backpack and skipped off the plane to see two familiar girls waiting at the bottom of the stairs. "Nicola?! Ruth?!!" I gasped.

"Lia!" They both cried.

I let out a squeal and ran down, hugging them both. "What are you guys doing here?!" I cried.

"Liam called and told us you were coming in, and didnt want you to drive to Wolverhampton by yourself." Ruth said.

"So that explains everything.." I mumbled.

"Huh?" Nicola asked.

"Nothing. But im so glad your here! OMG!" I smiled.

The guys got off the plane, and Liam gave our sisters hugs. Harry put his free arm around me, the other holding on to Emma's carrier. "Aw, look at her! She has grown so much!" Ruth cooed.

"She will be a year next month." Harry said.

"She is so precious!" Nicola cried. Emma gurbled happily.

Liam checked his phone and frowned. "Um, we really have to go and meet up with Simon.."

"So soon?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded sadly.

I gave him a hug. "I will miss you, bro."

"I will miss you too, sis." We let go and I gave Louis, Niall, and Zayn hugs. Then came Harry. He handed the carrier to Niall, and wrapped his arms around me.

"I will miss you, Lia."

"I will miss you too, Haz." I whispered, tears filling my eyes. I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry.

He kissed my cheek. "I love you. So much."

"I will only be gone a month before I return Emma." I giggled/choked.

"Its too long." And I agreed with him. Ugh, how will I survive without them when im at Julliard?

I let go of Harry and he kissed my lips. It was just a sweet and simple kiss, but it made me dizzy with happiness.

Nicola and Ruth had my things in the car already, and Niall had Emma strapped in the back in her carrier. He was telling her by, and it looked like it was hard on him. Awh, poor Nialler. I sniffed and waved at the guys, walking toward the car and hopping in. Niall closed the door and Nicola and Ruth got in the front, Ruth driving and Nicola in the passenger seat.

Ruth started the car, and off we went. I rolled down my window and waved bye to the guys. Finally, they were out of sight.

I sniffled again and raised up the window. "I will miss them."

"Imagine leaving to university." Ruth said.

"Oh god." I cried.

"It will be ok!" Nicola replied. "Dont worry about it."

I looked down at Emma, who was playing with her stuffed bear. "Im leaving my baby with them!"

"Liam will take great care of her. He did when you were in a coma." Nicola said.

"True." I shrugged.

"And Niall will probably be the one caring for her the most. He got teared up when he was telling Emma bye." Ruth chuckled.

I smiled sadly. "Yeah, he 'imprinted' on her in a way.."

"Its just... Harry we are worried about." Nicola said.

"I know. He promised to be a better father, and he has. But... I dunno." I sighed, looking out the window. "Trusting him is still hard for me."

"We know." Ruth said gently.

"Anne really was mad at him when she found out what he done. She blew up. It was mad." Nicola added.

"She did?"

"YES." They said together.

Ruth glanced at me from the review mirror. "She really chewed him out. Still does at times."Huh. I never knew that.

We rode in a comfortable silence for a while, just the soft humming of the car engine and Emma's giggles. After a while, Nicola clicked on the radio, and 'Live While Were Young' came on. She turned it up loud and started to sing.

"Hey girl I’m waiting on ya, I’m waiting on ya. Come on and let me sneak you out..." She said, pointing at me.

I giggled and sung the next line. "And have a celebration, a celebration. The music up, the windows down.."

Ruth smiled. "Yeah, we’ll be doing what we do, just pretending that we’re cool and we know it too! Yeah, we’ll keep doing what we do, just pretending that we’re cool, so tonight.."

"Lets go crazy, crazy, crazy til we see the sun!I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love, and never, never, never stop for anyone...Tonight let’s get some! And live while we’re young! Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh and live while we’re young!Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh.. Tonight let’s get some! And live while we’re young!" We yelled the chorus, laughing and smiling like crazy.

"DADDA!" Emma cried.

I smiled. "Yeah, thats dadda singing."

"Emma, your daddy is a buttface." Ruth said. I slapped her shoulder playfully.

"Eh?" My baby made a weird face and Nicola and I burst into laughter.

"Oh gosh, her face... Priceless!" She cried.

I giggled. "It was hilarous!"

"Losers... I didnt get to see Emma's weird face." Ruth mumbled.

"Im sorry." I said.

"Its fine." She smiled.


I really didnt like this chapter... I re-wrote it like, 5 million times. When I read this book, I think of 2 things...

1. I suck at writing!

2. This book will go under SEVERE  EDITING when im done with this.

So yeah....



You guys rock ^.^


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