Chp. 13

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(Just so you guys know, this is 2 weeks later)

"Bye mom! Bye dad, have fun!" I yelled as Mom and Dad's car drove off. They were going off for a while on vacation. That meant Liam, Ruth, Nicola and I had the house all to ourselves. Well, soon just Liam and I. Ruth and Nicola were going off to College soon. I havent applied to any college's. Except Julliard in the US, and I still havent heard from them. And Liam is in a band, so he doesnt go to College.

"Woot, woot! Party! Parents arent here!" Ruth said. I laughed.

"Omg, I know what us girls can do tomarrow! GO SHOPPIN!" Nicola squealed.

"But what about paparazzi?" I asked.

"We will just say your a friend, and have John." Nicola shrugged.

"Ew, I will just stay here." Liam said.

"We said girls, not girls and Liam." Ruth said. Liam stuck his tongue out at her.

"What time tomarrow?" I asked.

"Um, noon?" Nicola asked.

"Fine with me." I said. Ruth nodded with agreement.

"Ok! Its a date! So what do you guys want to do since we are parent-free?" Nicola asked, floppong down on the couch.

"Get drunk as hell?" Ruth suggested.

"I can get drunk now!" Liam said proudly.

"And thats something your proud of because...?" Nicola asked, making me laugh.

"My kidney is better! So I can drink as much beers as I want!" Liam said.

"You had kidney problems too?" I asked.

"Yeah. Did you?" Liam asked. I nodded. I did for a while but it got better.

"Im fine now, too!" I said.

"Yay!" Ruth said, and we high-fived.

"Eh, I dont want to drink right now, though. Wanna watch a movie?" Nicola asked.

"Sure." I said, sitting down next to her on the couch.

"What movie?" Liam asked, sitting down on the other side of me.

"Um...Twilight?" Ruth asked.

"Ew, thats girly." Liam said, making a disgusted face.

"How about 'The Blind Side?' " I asked.

 "What's 'The Blind Side'? We never heard of it." Nicola said.

I gasped. "You.Never. Heard. Of. The. Blind. Side. Before?!"

"Nope." Liam said.

"We are soo watching it!" I said, turning on the TV and getting on Netflix. I clicked on The Blind Side, then pushed, "Play".

Ruth went to make popcorn, and I snuggled in my Domo Blanket. Liam and Nicola watched the screen, and from the look in their eyes, they liked the movie.

Halfway through, there was a noise, like a car door slamming shut. Liam looked confused. I paused the movie, and thats when the front door slammed open.

"HONEY, IM HOME!" A fimiliar looking british dude cried.

I screamed and ran up to my room. What if it was paparazzi! Oh shit, im dead!




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