Chp. 35

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"Harry?" I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Go away!" I heard a groan on the other side of the door.

"Harry, it me! Louis! Open up!" I bang on the door.

"No!" Harry protests. Gosh, someone is stubborn today.

"Please Haz?" I beg. I heard footsteps shuffle to the door, and the knob turns slowly. Finally the door opens. Harry's eyes are red, and his hair is a mess.

"What?" He snapped.

"Come with me." I grab his arm and lead him out of the hospital to my car.

"Where are we going?" Harry asks as he closes the door.

"No where. We are going to talk." I said.

"About what?" He asked.

"You know what." I replied.

Harry sighed. "I cant, Lou. I cant go in there and see the hurt on her face. I cant see Emma without realizing what I've done to everyone. Im the worst person ever!"

"No your not! You made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes." I said.

"This isnt just some mistake. This is a huge mistake! If I could take it all back, I would." Harry cried.

"Look, Harry. Even though you made some dumb mistakes, Lia and your baby are in there waiting for you. Lia wants to talk to you." I said.

"She does?" Harry asked.

"Yes. Now go in there and talk to her and meet your baby. Fix this. Trust me, she still loves you." I smiled.

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Really." I said. Harry's face broke into a huge smile.

"Thanks Lou." He gave me a hug, then got out of my car and ran into the hospital. I smiled. Maybe I should become the british Dr. Phil.




I saw no one outside Lia's hospital room, and couldnt hear anyone inside. I guess they all left. I knocked gently on her door. "Come in!" Lia yelled. I took a deep breathe then opened the door and walked inside.

And then I gasped, and felt tears come to my eyes. Lia looked beautiful, her hair all pretty and her eyes big and full with happiness. And in her arms was Emma. Her eyes were getting all droopy, but they were big and green and sparkling. Her hair was covered in tiny brown curls. Her skin was like creamy ivory.

"Hey Harry." Lia whispered.

"H-Hi." I said.

"Uh... how are you?" Lia asked, looking a bit awkward.

"Um...Uh...Good." I stuttered.

"Thats...good." She laughed.

"How are you?" I asked gently, walking closer to her.

"Fine. I feel great. A little foggy, but great." Lia smiled down at Emma.

"Thats good." I reapeated her words.

"Yeah." She sighed.

"Look, Lia, im so so so so sorry! If I could, I would take back all my mistakes. I dont know why I cheated on you, I guess I wasnt ready to be a father. But I am now. Please forgive me." I blurted out.

"Its not that easy, when someone cheats on you." She whispered.

"I know. And im so sorry." I cried.

"Harry, we got in a relationship way too fast. I feel like we had to... for the baby. I hardly even know that much about you!" Liana said.

"Then lets take it slow." I asked.

"I dont know..." She trailed off.

"Look, Lia. I love you. Nothing will ever change that. The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. Please. Take me back." I asked, cupping her chin in my hand, staring into her big brown eyes.

She was silent for a while, and I felt my heart drop. She isnt going to take me back. Im such a idio- Her lips pressed against mine. My heart flew back up to where its supposed to be. I closed my eyes and smiled. Finally, I was where I belonged.




We were all sitting in the waiting room. Lia wanted to be alone when she talked to Harry. Liam didnt like that, but we all left anyways.

Louis walked in with a huge smile on his face. "I handled it!" He annoucned.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I worked my Louis magic." Louis laughed.

"That sounds like the movie Magic Mike." I giggled.

"What?" Nicola asked.

"Its about American men strippers." I explained.

"Ohhhh!" She said.

"Yeah, I didnt work that kind of magic!" Louis laughed.

"You only work that magic on Eleanor." Niall giggled. Louis started to blush and smacked his leg.

"Gross. How do you know that, Nialler?" Ruth asked.

"Because I used to have to sleep in the room next to his. 'Oh, LOUIS!' I would have to hear that every damn night!" Niall cried, acting like he was slitting his throat. Louis cheeks got redder.

"You better shut your mouth, Niall. Or Louis will work his magic on you." Zayn said, and we all bursted out laughing, even Liam.

"You guys say im the immature one." Louis muttered.

"You know we love you." I smiled.

"Yeah, yeah." Louis rolled his eyes.

Thats when my cell phone rang. Huh. I opened it. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hi, is this Mrs. Sierra Konick? Kyle Konick's wife?" A man's voice asked.

"Yeah..." I asked.

"There was an explosion. We cant find your husband."



I forgot Kyle's last name, so sorry if its wrong. And sorry that I made a clift hanger!!!

Chapter dedicated to livelaughlove4eva25. READ HER BOOK! Its called 'My Sister;s wish, and omg so good. I love it so so so so much! And she is new to Wattpad. Welcome her.



Ur all PYTs!


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