Chp. 53

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Harreh's Point of View!!

"Niall, what in bloody hell are you doing?" I asked, looking at the blonde who was sitting upside-down on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

"Looking at stuff on twitter. Liana posted a new picture of Emma. Its adorable, by the way. Why?" He asked, looking up from his phone, frowning.

I shook my head. "Just... nevermind." You can never guess whats running through his mind. Louis laughed.

"Where is Liam?" Zayn asked, walking into the room and taking a seat next to Niall. "And why is he sitting like that?"

Louis shrugged. "Liam is on the phone with management and who knows what he is doing."

"Im sitting right next to you." Niall said. "So I can hear you guys. By the way, I am trying to see what it feels like when all the blood in your body goes to your head. So far it makes my body feel numb."

"Um.." Zayn said. "That's nice, I guess."

"Try not to die!" I smiled. "Or get brain damage."

Louis smiled. "Or become a zombie."

"How will I become a zombie?" Niall asked. "I didn't die or anything."

"I dunno." Louis shrugged. Niall rolled his eyes and kept scrolling.

Zayn shook his head, chuckling. "Your so weird."

"Thank you." Niall smiled, looking up from his phone. "I appreciate the complement." He glanced at something behind Zayn's head and frowned. We all followed his gaze to Liam, who was leaning against the wall, his face pale.

"Liam? What is it?" Louis asked.

Liam rubbing the side of his face with his hand and sighed. "Guys, we have a problem."


"You cant do that!" I yelled, my fists pounding on the conference table.

"Mr. Styles, calm down. Its for your guys own good." A bald man with thick-rimmed glasses, Mike, replied, taking a sip of his coffee.

I shook my head. "You think that not letting me see my child, that making her go away, is for my own good?!"

"You cant take Emma away from us!" Niall agreed. Zayn and Liam nodded. Louis crossed his arms and glared at Mike.

"I can and I will! It is ruining One Directions fame! Your statics have dropped dramatically the past few months due to the lack of concerts and interviews. You all keep canceling plans for that baby. She is ruining your fame and your stardom." Mike stated. "She has to go."

I narrowed my eyes, standing up from my chair. "My daughter isn't ruining anything. In fact, she is changing me for the best. She is the greatest thing that has happened to me, and I love her more than anything. You are not taking her away from me."

"I will if I have to, Mr. Styles." Mike glared. The other men in the management nodded uncomfortably.

"Why are you doing this? The fans love her. Paul loves her. Lou agreed to watching her when she stays with us during tours and during concerts. She isn't ruining anything!" Liam said. "Everything is under control."

Mike sighed. "She has to go, its for the best."

"No its not! It will ruin me! No, it will kill me. Emma is my life. Your not taking her away from me." I replied, clenching my fists.

"Why cant the girl just take her?" Another man asked.

"Lia? Because Julliard doesn't accept children on campus! If Lia could take her she would." Zayn said.

The man cleared his throat. "She could go to another university an-"

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, chuckling a bit. He has to be joking. "Another university? Julliard is the best music university there is. She got accepted. That's a once in a lifetime opportunity, and your telling me to ruin her dreams? Who the hell do you think you are? Her father? I am not doing that to her! No way."

"I agree. We are not crushing Liana's dreams." Liam said.

Niall nodded. "None of us care if Emma stays with us. We all love Emma! Lou will watch her when we record songs or go to concerts."

"Emma is staying with us." Zayn said, his voice firm.

Mike sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. The room was eerily quiet. He finally opened his eyes a said, "We will have to discuss this situation for a bit.. alone. Please wait outside."

Liam nodded and patted my back. "Come on, mate." I shot a quick glare towards Mike before I left. Emma isn't going anywhere.

"I cant believe them." Niall cried as soon as we were in the hallway.

Zayn sighed. "The are such dicks."

"They cant do that!" Louis said. "They just cant."

"And the wont." I growled. Niall nodded.

Liam sighed. "Guys, don't worry. Emma isn't going anywhere. She is staying with us. Trust me. This will all be ok."

I sighed. Honestly, I am so done with the management and their bullshit. It drives me insane. They try to control our lives and I'm so sick of it.  "I swear if they take my daughter from me.." I muttered.

"They wont, mate. We wont let them." Zayn said, smiling reassuringly.

Niall frowned. "How do you know that?"

"I just do Niall." Zayn said, narrowing his eyes. "I just do."

"Boys?" A woman in a pantsuit stuck her head out the door. "We made a decision. Come back in."

We all exchanged nervous glances and I sighed, walking back into the room. Here goes nothing. The guys followed me and we all sat back down in our chairs. There was an eerily silence as Mike took a sip of water. I ran my hand through my hair. Please, please, please don't take Emma away. Please...

"Well.." Mike started, looking straight at me. "We came to a conclusion. Emma cant stay. She is too much of a distraction and lag in your stardom."

My stomach dropped. "No..." I mumbled. Niall gasped. Liam slammed his hand on the table. Zayn cursed under his breathe and Louis narrowed his eyes.

"We will pay Liana to go to a community college around her so you can see Emma, but-"

"NO." I yelled.

Mike stopped and glared at me. "What did you just say?"

"I said no. No fucking way is Liana going to a community college. No way is Emma not stay with us. I am her father. She will stay with us, whether you like it or not." I stated.

"She isn't staying with you and that's final." Mike repeated. "What are you going to do about it, Mr. Styles?"

I smirked. Two can play at this game. "Fine. I quit."



Finally. I updated. Its a miracle! So sorry about the long wait... I just kinda got depressed after my friends dad died and just was didn't have the effort to write. :\ But then I did.. and started to write this other book too. Its called, 'Saving Harry.' And I don't know when it will come but eh.

LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE! I made one so you guys can be updated about things to do with 'Stolen', the sequel, and other books I want to write!!! Link to my FB page is here ~

Yeah. I know it looks crappy but I just made it.


75 VOTES, 25 COMMENTS!?!?!?!?!?

Ilygsm!!! ~Jill

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