Chp. 10

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"Cheater!" I yelled at Kyle, who was trying to look at my cards. We were playing 'Go Fish'. It was 8:15, and I was about to go to the airport.

"No im not!" Kyle pouted.

"Yes, you are!" Sierra said. Kyle glared at her, and Kayla laughed.

"You got burned.." I smiled.

Ted checked his watch. "Um, Liana? Its time to get going."

I sighed and put my cards on the table. I looked over at Kayla, who had tears in her eyes. "No crying until I am about to board the plane." I said.

"Ok," She whispered. I smiled and squeezed her hand.

"Im going to go get dressed. Kyle, can you load the car or something?" I asked. Kyle nodded and went over to get my suitcases.

I climbed up the stairs to get dressed in my outfit. I put the black dress on and let my hair down. I threw a bow in my hair to keep back my bangs and I fixed my makeup. I put on my converse and opened my door and walked back down the stairs.

"Oh mi gosh you look amazing!" Sierra gushed.

I blushed. "Thanks.."

"You always are beautiful." Kayle smiled weakly. I gave her a big hug, and walked out the door to the car, Sierra and Kayla following me. Ted was in the drivers seat, Kyle in the passengers. Kayla, Sierra, and I all squeezed into the back.

"Ready?" Ted asked.

"Ready." I said, and then Ted backed out of the driveway, and started down the road. We were about to hit the main highway to the airport when we passed a fimilar graveyard.

"STOP!" I yelled. Ted pulled over.

"What?" He asked.

"I need to say good bye to someone else." I said, then got out of the car. I walked to the fimilar grave. There were scratch marks on the word, 'Mother' from my big explosion thing a while back. I kissed my hand, then laid it on the word. "Bye, mom." I whispered, then walked back to the car.


"Liana, this is John, John, this is Liana." Ted said, introducing me to a big, tall African American bodyguard. We were at the airport, I have gone through all the security crap, and I was about to board the private jet.

"Hi." I smiled, offering my hand.

"Hello, Ms. Payne. It is a huge honor to protect you." John said, shaking my hand, his voice deep.

"Thank you for wanting to protect me from evil camera's." I joked, and John laughed.

"Ok, Liana, its time." Ted said.

Time? Already? I felt that lump form in my throat. Kayla and Sierra were already crying, and even Kyle had wet eyes. I walked over to Kyle first and gave him a huge hug.

"Thank you for being my big brother." I whispered.

"Thanks for being my annoying little sis." Kyle sniffled, and I laughed weakly.

"Take care of Sierra." I said.

"I will." He promised.

I let go of him and walked over to Kayla. She broke into a huge sob. I huged her, the tears in my eyes overflowing now. "Thanks for being the best aunt ever." I said.

"Oh, Lia, I love you so much!" She wailed.

"I love you too." I said. I let go of her and walked to Sierra. I squeezed her tight.

"I will try to call or text you every day." I cried.

"I will, too!" She sobbed.

"Sierra, your the bestest friend a girl could ever have. You know that?" I asked.

"You too, Lia-bug."

"Love ya, Sierra mist." I said, then let her go.

"Follow me, Ms. Payne," John said, and started to walk down a tunnel/alley/hallway that leads to the plane.

"Wait!" I said, and then I hugged Ted. Ted stiffened, the slowly relaxed and hugged me back. "Thank you. For everything." I said.

"No problem. Be good." He said, sounding like a father. I laughed and then whispered, "Watch Kayla for me. She likes you too," and let go of him.

Then I followed John down the hallway thingy. I turned after a moment and waved. Kyle, Sierra, Kayla, and Ted waved back. I turned back around, took a deep breath, then walked to the plane.




I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of the home phone ringing. I groaned. I can never get a good night of sleep these days.

I sat up, stretched, and got out of bed. I started to walk down the stairs. I heard Dad on the phone. "She is on the plane now? Ok, thanks again, Ted. Alright, bye." Dad hung up the phone.

"Is Liana on her way over here?" I asked.

Dad jumped and turned at the sound of my voice. "Oh, god, Liam, you scared me!"

"Sorry." I said.

Dad sighed. "Yeah, she just got on the plane now."

"So what time will she be here tomarrow?" I asked.

"About 2." Dad said.

"Ok." I yawned.

"Get some sleep, Liam. Tomarrow will be a big day." Dad said, the walked off to his and mum's room.

He sure is right about tomarrow.




"!" I said. I was sitting in a masage-chair on the private jet.

"Glad you enjoy it, Ms. Payne." The flight attendent, Linda, said. "More Dr.Pepper?"

"Yes please!" I said, and she refilled my glass. I yawned and closed my eyes. This is the life.

"You should get some sleep. We are landing around 2 England time." John said.

"Wake me up before we land..." I said, already half-asleep.

"Ok, Ms. Payne." And then I was out of it.

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