Chp. 8

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  • Dedicated to to all those people who love 1D just as much as I do <3 DIRECTIONER FORVER!



"He wont pick up his phone." Louis said, worried. We have been trying to call Liam all day, after Zayn called him this morning. Its now 10 something at night and Liam hasnt called back.

"He's spending time with his family. This is probably a tough time for him right now. Im sure he is fine." Niall said, but from the look on his face, he too seemed worried.

"I shouldnt have demanded a date from him. Maybe he is mad at us." Zayn said guilty.

I sighed. "No. I highly doubt he is mad. He is probably with his family, like Niall said."

"How do you know!" Louis cried.

"Because I know Liam. We all do. And we all know that if he is mad, he would tell us." I said.

"You got a point..." Niall agreed.

"Yeah. So we can try calling him later, or wait for him to call. Lets not bug him right now." I nodded.

"When have you become so grown up?" Louis joked.

I laughed. "I dont know, but its scaring the hell out of me."

"Our Hazza is growing up!" Niall cried.

I smiled.

"Lets just wait for Liam to call, like Harry told us to. Want to watch some TV?" Zayn asked.

"Sure!" Louis said, and we all flopped down on the couch.




I watched the video, memorized.

It was August, and Liana and her friends were in 8th grade.

"Kyle, you better be good to my new camera. It was a early birthday gift." Liana said as soon as the video turned on, her hands on her hips. Her hair was in a high ponytail, with a white bow. She was wearing makeup, her lips extra glossy and she was in a cheerleading uniform.

"I will. Trust me." Kyle said from behind the camera.

"Ok. Is it on?" Sierra asked, in a indentical uniform as Liana's.


"Oh! Um, Hi! Its Liana and Sierra and we are here to show off our awesome cheerleading uniforms!" Liana said, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, we just got back from the big soccer game." Sierra smiled.

"It was a great game." Kyle agreed.

"And Jack was checking out Liana...." Sierra smiled and poked Liana in the ribs.

"He was not." Liana said, blushing.

"Yeah he was!" Sierra said.

"Nu-uh." Liana looked at the ground.

"He was." Kyle agreed.

"Shut up, Kyle." Liana glared.

Thats whhn the house door opened. Sara walked onto the porch, her face red and stuffy, like she has been crying. "Liana, we need to talk."

Liana looked at Sierra with a confused look, then said, "Ok, mom."

Then the screen went black.

"Huh. I wonder what that is about. Next one?" I asked, then went to put the next one in.

"No more, Liam. Its 11 pm." Mum said, yawning and sitting up.

"I agree with you mum. Get some sleep, kids. Its been a rough week." Dad smiled weakly and they went off to their room.

"I guess I will get some sleep. Night." I said to Ruth and Nicola and climbed up the stairs to my room.

I shut my room door and turned my light on. I saw my cell phone on me bed and picked it up. 107 missed texts. 52 missed calls. What the hell?

I looked through some of the text messages. They were all from the guys.

Louis: hey liam we are wondering if u found a day when ur comin us
Louis: me again, u there? text me
Zayn: hey man, sorry i was all mean and demanding. hope ur not mad at me, call us!
Niall: i bought the spoons, liam.
Louis: dont make us do it, liam... call us!

I sighed. I havent thought of a day to go back to London. I opened my contacts list and called Louis.

"Liam?! Finally!" Louis said as soon as he picked up.

"Hello to you too," I joked.

"Im so sorry if your mad at me, Liam!" Zayn cried.

"Im not mad at you." I said.

"Wo!" Zayn cheered.

"So when are you coming home?" Niall asked.

"I dont know yet, guys." I replied.

"Oh." Harry said.

"Yeah. Im sorry I didnt get your messages. I have been watching videos and looking at pictures of Liana all day." I yawned.

"We are sorry for bothering you." Louis said.

"Its no problem." I shrugged.

"Well, we better go. It sounds like your tired." Zayn said.

"Yeah, im pretty worn out." I yawned again.

"Ok. We will talk to you later. Hang in there!" Louis said, and then the guys hanged up.

I put my phone on the nightstand and sighed. Ted said he would call after he talked to Liana, to see when she will be able to move over here. So far he hasnt called yet. I shivered. The thought of one of mum's friends to steal my sister is horrifing.

My sister. My twin sister. I smiled at the word. It seemed ususal, but yet... right.




I sat next to Kayla and Sierra in Ted Berkly's pffice, my whole body shaking from nerves. Ted was taking his time, playing it cool, messing with his files. UGH I cant stand it anymore!

"So?" I asked.

Ted raised one eyebrow at me.

"Am I...moving over there?" I asked. Ted said that could be an option.

Ted took a big sip of his coffee then opened his file.

"As soon as possible." He replied.

I stood there, like a statue. I guess you can say that was when reality hit me. I was really moving away from the people I know, love, and grew up with. Kayla burst into tears, and Sierra grabbed my hand and squeezed it, her water brimming her eyes.

"So, like now?" I asked, a lump in my throat.

"Yes." Ted said.

"But....But..." And then the tears came.

"I already have a bodygaurd picked out for you, and a date for when you leave." Ted said.

"When?" I sobbed, scared of the answer.

"Tomarrow night."


Yeah, I know, this chapter was short. But the next one will be long, me promise ^_^

Im writing a Niall Fanfic called 'Being Niall's Princess...?' Read that too!!


Thank yew and I love you all!!

xoxo ~Jillyy

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