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Ok, so last week I started writing Chp. 53. I got it done, re-read it, and HOLY CRAP IT WAS BAD. Trust me guys, it sucked. It was horrible. I HAVE SEVERE WRITERS BLOCK AND NEED IDEAS. Help me! What should I do in the next chapter? I NEED YOU GUYS TO TELL ME IDEAS ASAP because I want Chp. 53 up this week. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME IDEAS, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER....

And maybe fan and dedicate next chappy to the person who gives me the best idea c;

OH! And another thing...

As you may have seen, I have 2 Zayn books up right now. A lot of people want me to work on 'Moment in Time' when I am done with this book, while others want me to go ahead and work on 'Dance with Me' when I am done with this book. Which one do you guys want me to update when I am done with 'Stolen'? Because when I am halfway done with the one I will work on when I am done with this book, I will be updating 'Stolen's sequel, 'Found.' Please let me know. c:


About 'Found'.... at first I was going to have it mainly about the boys and Emma, because a lot of people for a while wanted Emma and Harry to get closer, so that was my idea. Now recently people are saying that Lia isn't being there for Emma and yada yada yada... I guess I could have Lia in 'Found' more, but at Julliard you aren't allowed to have babies on campus. (I DID MY RESEARCH!) So yeah.. I will find a way to satisfy both of your opinions. And spoiler alert.... Sierra will be back in 'Found' and Liam might admit his feelings, who knows? c;

I LOVE YOU ALL. Give me ideas! Tell me which book to work on when 'Stolen' is done! I will update ASAP this week.


~ The worst writer ever, Jill.

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