Chp. 38

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"Why do we have to go somewhere this late?" Louis whined.

"You dragged me out of bed this morning. I wouldnt be talking, Tommo." I said.

Liam frowned. "Where are we going?"

Sierra looked at me, and I looked at her. "I know where we are going." She whispered.

"Yeah." I said, running my hand through my hair.

"Where?" Niall asked.

"You shall see, young one." I smiled, patting his head.

Sierra laughed. "Nice, Lia-Bug."

"Thank you!" I giggled.

Zayn groaned. "Does this mean we have to get dressed again?"

"Yes. Unless you want the po-po to come after you!" Sierra said, and we both laughed.

I went to my room to change Emma into warmer clothes. I put on a hoodie and walked back put. Everyone was ready.

"Lets go." I said, and we all piled into one of the guys rental vans. Sierra got in the drivers seat, and I was in the passengers. Emma was in Niall's arms.

Sierra drove to the place. The fimilar place, where I havent been to for a while.

"The cementary? Why are we here?" Louis asked.

"Really, why are we?" Liam questioned. I didnt say anything. Too much memories we swirling in my head. I got out of the car, not saying a single word. I walked to the grave site silently. The guys followed. Emma was still in Niall's arms.

I finally saw Sara's tombstone. I saw the scratches on the word 'Mother' from my explosion. I gently touched them. They scratched my thumb. I felt the lump rise to my throat again. So many things happened cause of her. If she didnt steal me, I would be in England right now, at college. I would have a amazing twin brother. I wouldnt have been cheated on twice. I wouldnt be a mom, even though I love Emma to death.

I didnt even know I was crying until Sierra wrapped me into a hug. Thats when I started to sob. Sure, Sara kinda ruined my life. Yet, if it wasnt for her, I wouldnt have met Sierra and Kyle. I wouldnt have had Emma. I wouldnt be the person I am today.

"Its ok." Sierra whispered.

I felt Liam hug me too. "Im sorry."

"GROUP HUG!" Louis yelled, and everyone tackled me.

"Ow." I muttered.

"Sorry." The guys all said together. They all got off of me, and Sierra helped me up. I noticed that she was crying, too.

"She was like my second mom..." She said.

"I know. She...." I didnt even finish the sentance.

Harry wrapped his arm around me. "Its ok, babe." He said.

"Yeah. How about we all go to Kayla's?" I asked.

"WOO!" Niall cheered. He threw Emma playfully into the air.

"NIE! NIE!" She squealed.

"We havent seen Kayla in a while." Liam smiled.

"I like her food, too." Zayn smiled.

"Her food is the BOMB!" Niall cried.

Sierra laughed. "Kayla's it is!"


Or course, Kayla had made some food for us. Louis wanted carrots and ranch dressing, Harry and Liam just got a sandwhich, and Zayn, Niall, Sierra, and I ate italian chicken. Emma ate some baby food.

"Your a food goddess!" Niall said.

"The best food ever is at your house." Louis agreed. "You always have carrots!"

Kayla smiled. She was feeding Emma mashed peas and carrots. "Your all welcome here anytime."

"YAY!" Niall and Zayn cried.

Sierra and I looked at each other and laughed. Boys. Thats when Sierra's cell phone went off. She frowned. "I will be right back.." She said, walking off to a room. Liam looked at me and I shrugged.

Thats when we all heard the door opened. Ted walked into the house. "Hey guys! Hey, Liana! How are you all?"

"Good!" We all said.

"Thats good." He smiled. He walked up to me. "I think this belongs to you. Apparently it was lost in the mail." He handed me an envelope. I looked at the return address and my jaw dropped. No way. No freakin way!

It was from Julliard.


Sorry its short! And sorry its crappy...And sorry I posted it at 11:30 Friday night! Its just that I promised to babysit tonight so...yeah. xP

SO! The votes are in... and the winner of the baby daddy 1D Book is......


Woo! And since Liam was one vote away from a tie, I will make another 1D baby daddy book with the dad as


Yeah! Woop! So those book shall be posted soonish I guess...?

Anyway...Last chapter there was 7 votes. Thats good. Yet there was ONE COMMENT. Come on, people! You can do better than that!!

So, 10 VOTES, 7 COMMENTS?!!? Come on dudes!


Stay purddy! (Country accent lol)


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