Chp. 26

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"Jack?" I asked. What is he doing here?

"Thats Jack?" Liam asked.

I nodded and got out of the car, and walked slowly over to him. He looked up and gasped. He was staring at my stomach. I protectivly put a hand on it. "What the hell are you doing here, Jack?" I asked, shooting death glares at him.

"I heard you were in town." He said.

"Yeah. I am." I said. Liam stood there awkwardly.

"So. Your expecting." Jack said.

"Yep." I said.

"Whos the dad?" Jack asked.

"Thats none of your business." I snapped.

"Um, im going to leave you two alone..." Liam said, walking around Jack to get into the house. When the door closed, Jack turned back to me.

"Its Harry's, isnt it." He said it like a statment, not a question.

I felt tears fill my eyes. Jack cheated. Harry cheated. My heart has been played. "Yes." I whispered.

"Why are you crying?" Jack asked, his voice soft and gentle.

"Its just... its... nothing. Look, Jack. Can we talk later? Im tired." I said.

Jack nodded. He smiled weakly, then walked off to his car. I sighed and walked inside. Liam jumped up from the couch. "Are you ok? Why are you crying?"

"Its nothing." I said. I dont want Liam and the guys to get in a fight.

"Im not stupid, Lia." Liam smiled a little.

"I dont want to talk about it." I sighed.

"Ok." Liam gave me one last look, then walked into the kitchen. I went to the couch and sat down, feeling my cell phone vibrate.

I opened it. It was a text from Zayn.

'hey, Lia? i need to tell you something. and this cant wait till we visit. harrys cheating on you.'

My jaw dropped and the tears returned. I let out a scream.

Zayn knows.

Shit! Shit shit shit!

Liam ran in. "What is it Lia? Is it the baby?"

I shook my head, tears flowing down my face. "No. I want Zayn."




"I miss Lia." Harry complianed.

Ha! Says the guy who was moaning some girl named Maya's name last night. I glared at him. He didnt see.

He makes me sick.

I checked my phone for the hundreth time. Liana still hasnt texted back. I sent her the text an hour ago telling here about Harry. I felt bad breaking it to her through text, but it had to be done.

My cell phone rang. I checked the caller ID. Lia. I ran outside, sat down on the porch and accepted the call.

"Z-Zayn? How did you find o-out?" She stuttered. From the sound of her voice, she was crying.

"Im so sorry, Lia. We were at a club a while back when I found out. He has been dry-humping people at clubs ever since." I said.

"I know." She said in a small voice.

"Wait, what? How?" I asked.

"Harry left his phone on the couch the day Liam and I left. He got a text from some girl named Lexi." She said, her voice shaky.

"Im so sorry. He is a jack ass. I can kick his butt for you!" I said.

She laughed weakly. "No. Dont let him know that we know. Dont tell the others yet, too. Liam doesnt know."


"I dont know. I want to talk to him about it later." Liana said.

"Liana, this isnt right. Your pregnant with his kid! He shouldnt be acting like this!" I said.

"I know. But just let me handle it. Please?" She begged.

"Fine." I grumbled.

"Thanks Zaynie!" She chirped.

"Whatever." I said.

"Hey Zayn?"


"Can you come to the USA early? I really need a friend who knows about Harry right now." She asked.

I sighed. "Fine, but what am I going to the the others? They will be suspesious that im leaving early."

"Just tell them you miss Liam. And if they say the want to come too, say that you want some alone time with Liam." Lia said.

"I will feel bad lying to the guys though." I said.

"I already do, lying about Harry. This is the 2nd time someone has cheated on me." Liana said sadly.

"Im sorry, babe." I said.

"I will be fine." She replied.

The front door opened. Niall stuck his head out. "Who are you talking to?"

"A friend." I said.

"Ok, well hurry up. We have to met up with Paul." He closed the door.

"Hey Lia, I have to go. We need to met up with Paul." I said.

"Ok. Bye Zayn. See ya later. Text me when your coming so I can pick you up at the airport." She said.

"Alright. Bye." I said, hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket and walked inside. I saw Harry texting and smiling. He was probably texting some skank. My fist clenched. I really wanted to punch that grin off his face.


So yeah, short, crappy, depressing chapter. But I feel depressed so...

My friend Demitre died. He ran away earlier this week, due to..reasons... and they found him in North Carolina, near his dads house, unconsious. He cut himself to deep, and busted a vessle. Im so depressed. </3 R.I.P. Demitre! I love you, bubba!

So this chapter is dedicated to him. Because I miss him and love him so much. I couldnt even tell him goodbye.

Ok, im gonna stop talking about him, or I will cry again... D:

Hahaha im listening to EATMEWHILEIMHOT! and one of their songs is called Mustache!! 'My life is my mustache is my life.' Lol, it goes like that in a way. Christofer Drew is a sexy beast. ;3 Even though he has a chipmunk smile. Tehehe.


It would make my day.


Stay sexy, meh bitches!


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