Chp. 18

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"Liam Payne is leaving for London soon, will Liana leave with him? Will we finally see who she is, what she looks like? Stay tuned to find out!" The TV talkshow host said, then a commercial came on. I rolled my eyes and flipped to another channel. Lia doesnt want to be seen. Poeple make such a fuss over nothing.

I sighed and looked down at my sparkly diamond ring. I want to tell Liana about my engagement to Kyle so bad, but I want to tell her in person. I picked up my cell phone and texted her, 'do u know when ur comin to visit? pls say its soon! i miss u and i need to tlk to u badly! text back asap <3'.

I waited for 5 minutes. No reply. I turned my phone off.

Where is Liana when I need her?




I sat there in shock while Harry freakin Styles kissed me. What. The. Crap.

I lightly pushed him off me and tunred away from him. I felt ashamed, emabrassed, sad, mad, and a whole bunch of emotions. I mean, I just told him that we did er, it when we were drunk!

"Whats wrong?" Harry asked.

"Why did you do that?" I ignored his question.

"You thought I was mad at you. Liana, why would I?" He asked.

"Because.... I dont know!" I threw my hands in the air, frustrated. Ugh!

"I would never be mad at you." He said, grabbing my hand.



I smiled at him. He smiled back.

"So um, how about we keep um, the drunk accident to ourselves." He said.

"Ok." I said. I couldnt agree more.

"Liana?" He asked.


"Will you go on a date with me?" Harry asked.

I was about to say yes, the word was on the tip of my tounge. But I couldnt. I cant. I cant have feelings for Harry Styles. He is just a flirt, a player.

"No." I said quickly. Harrys face fell. My heart broke into a million pieces.

"Oh." He said, getting up quickly.

"Lets just be friends." I said. even though I wanted to kiss his cheek and grab his hand.

"Ok, friends. Um, look at the time. I need to get some sleep! Uh, goodnight." He said, then walked quickly out of my room, back to Liams, and shut Liam's door.

I felt tears fill my eyes. He hates me. He must. UGH. I am such an idiot, leading him on, letting him kiss me, and hold my hand. I curled back up into my Hello Kitty blanket and cried myself to sleep.


I looked for something to watch as I ate my cerial. It was now morning, and none of the boys were up yet. Only me.

I saw a channel that made me spit out my cerial. It was a channel known to show music videos, and funny youtube stuff. And a amimated film of One Direction was on. What the heck? The name sounded fimilar, though. I think Sierra was talking about it before.

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