Chp. 40

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  • Dedicated to The families of 1D


It was an hour after Liana's blow up, and the guys all thought I should talk to her. I slowly walked to her door and knocked.

"Lia?" I asked. No answer. I tried to open the door but it was locked. Damn it! I reached into my pocket and felt a bobbypin. I slipped it into the door hole and wiggled it around. Finally, I heard the door click and pop open. I opened the door.

"Liana? Its me." I looked around the dark room. Lia was curled up in a corner, her eyes closed. Emma was asleep in the mobile crib. I walked over to Lia and sat down next to her.

"What?" She asked, opening one eye.

I took a deep breath. "Liam, Zayn, Lou, Niall and I all talked, and we.... we want you to go to Julliard. Its your dream, Lia. You have been wanting to get in forever!"

"But.. But Emma.." Lia said, looking at the sleeping baby. I studied Liana's face. It looked strained, her eyes red and puffy, and she had stress wrinkles on her forehead. She was emotionally sick.

"We will watch her." I said softly, laying a hand on hers.

Lia's eyes widen. "But I can take her with me!"

"I know, but she would slow you down. Liam and the guys took great care of her before. We will come and visit you a lot, I promise, Lia." I said.

"But Harry...?"

"If you... If you dont trust him, you can always give Liam partial gaurdianship instead." I mumbled.

Lia was silent for a bit. She was looking at Emma. Finally, she whispered, "Ok."




I was pacing around the living room, waiting for Sierra to get out of Lia's room.

"Calm down, Liam. Your going to leave trails in the floor." Louis joked.

"I cant help it! Im nervous!" I cried.

Niall smiled. "I sorta want to watch Emma. Like I said, she is my Renesmee."

"I would miss seeing the monster every month." Zayn nodded.

"And she is my Princess Emma!" Louis shrieked, right as Sierra walked into view.

We all froze. "So?" I asked.

Sierra smiled. "She agreed."

"WOO!" Niall cheered.

I smiled and hugged her. Zayn and Louis high-fived. I let go of Sierra, and frowned. "But what about Harry? He wouldnt like it if I get custody of Emma instead of him."

"I guess Lia will have to talk to him." Sierra shrugged. Ha. That would be great.

"So Harry and Lia are over?" Louis asked.

"I guess so." I sighed. I guess so.




I woke up to a loud bang and a cry. I shot up and looked at the mobile crib. Emma was gone. I ran out of my room to the kitchen where Louis was standing, covered in baby formula.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"She did it!" Lou cried, pointing toward Emma. She was sitting in her high chair, fussing. Her bottle was on the floor.

I groaned. I was letting Emma stay with these people? "Its ok, Em. Uncle Louis needs to grow up, doesnt he?" I cooed, picking Emma up.

"HEY! I am 20! Almost 21! I am a MAN!" He protested.

"A 20 year old going on 3." I smirked.

"Haha. Very funny. Nice bra, by the way." Louis smirked. I looked down. My tanktop was all tangled, showing my zebra-print bra.

I glared at him. "Shut up. Eleanor wouldnt like it if she found out that you were looking at other peoples boobs, now would she?"

"Eh. Hers are better." Louis smiled.

"EW! EW! EW! EW!" I cried. Perv!

"Huh?" Zayn asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Nothing. Here. Take the baby. You need to practice anyway. What time is it?" I asked, handing Zayn the infant.

"Its 11 am. And excuse me, but I have watched Emma for 9 months of her life!" Zayn said.

"Shit! Im going to be late!" I cried, ignoring that last part.

Louis frowned. "Late for what?"

"You will figure out later!" I yelled, running toward my room to change. I changed into a UofK wildcats sweatshirt and capris. I grabbed my car keys.

"Where are you going?" Liam asked as I zoomed toward the front door.

"No time to explain, just going to meet someone important! I will tell you later, bye!" I yelled, slamming the door and running toward my car. My stomache filled with butterflies. Today was the day.

Today I was giving part custody to Liam.


WOAH! Wonder how Harry will react.... :DDDD



Dont forget to smile :)


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