Chp. 12

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  • Dedicated to to all of you who are reading this Book... I LOVE YOU ALL!!

I gulped. Moments. The song I sang to Kyle and Sierra. The song a bunch of people saw outside McDonalds. The song I sang less than a week ago. The song I sang when I kissed Jack good-bye.

"Uh, I have that." I said.

"Really? Where? Can I see it?" He asked.

"Um, yeah, hold on." I said, and went upstairs to my room to get my old labtop I brought from the US. I had the video on there. I brought I downstairs and turned it on. Liam scooted next to me excitedly. I sighed and clicked on my folder, and pulled up the video. I pressed play, and immeditaly it showed my face, all red and blotchy, and Sierra's, makeup all over her face. The music to Moments came on and Video-me started to sing.

'Shut the door, turn the light off...'

I sighed shakily, feeling like I was about to burst into tears. I watched Liam's face, and he looked sad, like he knew how I was feeling.

Video-me was done singing and turned to Sierra, who's face looked all crappy. "I love you, sissy." Sierra cried.

"Love ya, twinnie." Video-me cried and wrapped her in a hug.

"Uh, guys. Look." Kyle said, and we saw his hand point to the crowd in the McDonald's parking lot.

"Wow." Video-me said, looking at the people watching me, cheering and clapping.

Sierra laughed weakly. "Everyone loves you." She said.

"Thats so cool!" Kyle said, behind the camera.

"Were they there the whole time?" Video-me asked.

"I dont know." Sierra shrugged.

"They probably saw us coming out to the field. I mean, Lia, we are pretty famous around here for this." Kyle said. Video-me laughed. "Oh, Kyle, I will miss you so much!" Video-me said, jumping on him.

"AH! Sierra! Babe, help!" He yelled. The camera fell to the ground, showing green grass. A moment later, it showed me and Kyle on the ground, me tackeling him. We heard Sierra's laugh from behind the camera.

"I feel loved!" Video-me cried, giggling like crazy.

"Fine... I....will!" Kyle gasped.

"I will miss you guys more." Video-me said.

"No, we will miss you so much more!" Sierra said.

Video- me smiled. "I love you guys."

"We love you too, Lia-bug." Sierra said, and then the screen went black.

I sighed and closed the labtop. I swallowed a huge lump in my throat, and remembered that memory.

"Um, im sorry I asked you to show me that." Liam said.

"Its ok, you didnt know." I said.

"Yeah." He said. We sat there in silence, then Liam turned to me. "So, tell me about you."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Tell me about you. I want to know my twin sister!" Liam smiled.

I laughed. "Well, first of all, I hate spoons..."



(It is now August...)


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