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After Newt and I got something to eat since he insisted the baby was going to be starving if I didn't eat anything, I decided to change since it was hot enough to cook eggs in the maze.

The outfit I had changed into consisted of a light coral colored shirt and for the bottoms, a pair of dark blue shorts that went up to the tops of my thighs.

Newt nearly had a heart attack when he saw what I had put on. He claimed that I was supposed to look pregnant, not like I wanted to sleep with every Glader.

So here I sat, in Frypan's kitchen, pouting about Newt not being grateful for my luscious body. While Newt worked in the gardens outside since I had told him I wanted space. He protested but when he saw how upset I was with him he decided not to piss me off more than I already was.

"Tide?" Chuck's familiar voice filled the air as he came waddling into the room holding bouquet of red roses.

"There you are! These are from Newt!" Chuck exclaimed excitedly handing the beautiful bunch of flowers to me. He knew me way too well. Red Roses. My favorite flowers.

"Oh my" I laughed grinning like an idiot as I took the flowers. Momentarily forgetting that I was upset with Newt.

"He's been sulking in the gardens. He's a mess and you haven't even been fighting for 2 hours!" Chuck exclaimed throwing his hands up as if to exaggerate his point.

"He told everyone?" I asked softly placing the flowers in the cup of water Frypan had given me to drink but now it would become a vase for my flowers.

"Kinda... And everyone just figured it out. You two are always all over eachother!" He exclaimed grinning from at me. He knew how much I loved Newt.

"Alright... Thanks Chuck. Tell Newt... Tell him that if he wants to talk he knows where to find me." I said softly hugging Chuck before he disappeared out the door calling Newt's name louder than necessary.

I I sighed and got up going into the deadheads where Newt and I had agreed to meet in case anything happened that we needed to talk about.

Though the area was creepy, I still liked the quietness to it since the glade was always bustling with chatter.

Just as I had sat down leaning against a tree, Newt came out, his eyes red and puffy from crying and he looked down at me.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now