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When I found Newt, he was working in the fields working on what looked to be like tying a vine to a fence but I was probably wrong.

"Newt." I laughed seeing as he hadn't noticed my presence yet.

He turned around and smiled hugging me tightly burying his face into my shoulder adorably.

"I missed you." He whispered causing me to giggle.

"I missed you to." I said softly and kissed him gently, his lips working their magic against mine as he kissed back.

"How was it? Are you tired?" He asked gently rubbing the small of my back.

"It was fun and I'm good. I'm hungry for Frypan food." I said and laughed at his worrying.

"Dinner should be ready soon, it's a big dinner tonight." He said softly hugging me reading his chin on my shoulder.

"Is he making steak? I want steak." I mumbled into Newt's dirty blonde hair.

"Something with a cow." He said gently nipping at my collarbone causing a soft groan to escape my lips.

"Sounds good." I whispered before straightening up and Newt stood up straight pressing a kiss to my nose.

"Ok shortie." He teased and I growled playfully.

Ok maybe I was short but it's not like I was going to admit that to him.

"Dinner!" Frypan came around yelling and banging pots and pans together.

"Food!" I yelled racing towards the kitchen, a couple other Gladers laughing at my strange reactions.

When I arrived, sure enough, there was steak. I grabbed a bit and some carrots, clearly the ones I pulled the day before. (They were horribly pulled)

The other Gladers arrived at Only moments moments after I had sat down at one of the tables.

Chuck's plate was the first to hit the table as he sat down across from me and grinned at me.

"So, how's the baby?" He asked casually but was still grinning like the little 12 year old he was.

"Wonderful, nice and calm." I replied smiling back at him as Newt sat down next to me pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.

"I can tell these are the carrots you pulled." He said teasingly and I laughed rolling my eyes as he continued to make playful comments on the carrots.

Chuck added in every so often commenting on the food but made Newt shift a bit when he asked about the baby and Newt becoming a father.

"So are you two going to be together all the time now? Clint and Jeff said you might be clingy around Newt since he's the baby's dad." Chuck asked and I smiled at him leaning into Newt gently placing my hand on his thigh comfortingly.

"Probably." I said and laughed softly as Chuck smiled.

"Well I think-" He started but was cut off by the loud ringing that signaled the box was yet again, coming up.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now