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As the day came to an end, Newt and I sat outside with all the other gladers at their bonfire. I sat in Newt's lap as he fiddled with my hair, attempting to braid it.

The baby was kicking every so often and Minho was sitting nearby talking with Thomas about something while Gally started fights with people in the center.

"Newt can we go talk with Minho and Thomas?" I smiled looking over at him pecking him on the lips when he nodded and I got up using Newt's shoulders to stand.

"So how's the little one?" Thomas asked as I approached, lacing my fingers with Newt's.

"Little excited but he's doing good." I smiled and Minho grinned up at me cheekily before speaking.

"I'm startin' to think you're gonna pop Tidey poo." Minho said in the most sarcastic tone possible and I gasped and laughed pretending not to act hurt.

"Me? God forbid it be the pregnant one." I gasped laughing and Chuck waddled over as Minho, Thomas and Newt all laughed starting a conversation of their own.

"Hi Tide, I- Um- Well I was wondering if um- Well if you could tell me what shucking is?" He blurted out and I pursed my lips together trying to hold back my laughter.

"Well it's kind of when-" I started but I was cut off by a sharp pain that went through my torso and I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut as a whimper escaped my lips.

"Tide?!" Newt's voice filled my ears as Thomas came into sight and he grabbed me by my hips holding me so I didn't fall.

A couple of seconds of pain later, it vanished as quickly as it had come and I realized everyone was looking at me now. Some looked worried, others looked scared and Newt looked like he was gonna pass out.

"Tide what happened?" Newt looked at me worriedly as Thomas slowly let go of my hips and I looked over at him praying that the pain wouldn't come back.

"It's the baby Newt. I told you something was wrong." I whispered feeling like I was going to cry but I willed myself not to. I wasn't gonna cry in front of them all again.

"Tide, I need you to look at me alright? Newt and I are gonna get over there alright?" Clint asked pointing to the med-Jack hut and I winced grabbing Newt's hand tightly as another wave of pain ripped through my abdomen.

"I think the baby is coming Newt." I whispered taking deep breaths starting to panic. There's no way he was going to come now, I'm only 5 months. He's not even fully grown yet.

I'm not ready for this.

"Tide... Tide calm down. You're going to send yourself into labor doing that." Clint had now come over and tried to calm me down but it was really doing no good.

"Alright everyone back up!" Minho yelled and most of the group took a step or two back as Alby stepped forward.

"I want Thomas. I want Thomas right now." I started to panic and soon felt Thomas' soothing hands grabbing mine.

"Hey hey, calm down alright? Newt and I are right here, don't worry. Even Minho is here. You're gonna be just fine." Thomas cooed making sure so kept eye contact with him.

"Tide love, I need you to sit down alright?" Newt asked softly and I turned to him as many other voices started shouted instructions at one another.

At this point, everything was a blur. Faces went by and I was laying on the grass while everyone rushed around me yelling at one another. Thomas was holding on of my hands while I rested my head in Newt's lap focusing on him.

"Darling calm down alright? It don't look like you're in labor just yet." He cooed pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.

"Newt it hurts." I whimpered as another round of pain rolled through my abdomen.

"I know darlin', it's gonna be alright." He cooed and I squeezed Thomas's hand tightly as Minho swore at some people to get away.

Thomas's face appeared above mine a couple seconds later and I looked up at him and he smiled nervously.

"They're saying' you're just having' something called Braxton hicks?" He asked more than said and I sighed.

"What the hell are those?" I looked up at him ready to punch someone if they got to close as waves of pain kept rolling through my abdomen every few minutes.

"Apparently it's just false contractions according' to Clinton' Jeff." Thomas said and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before Newt smiled down at me pressing another kiss to my forehead.

"Just take deep breaths alright? It'll be over soon, I promise." He cooed and I nodded taking his advice and closed my eyes holding Thomas' hand tightly and slowly but surely, fell into a sleep.

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