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The next morning, I woke up to Newt snoring softly holding me tightly against his naked body.

I smiled as the memories of last night flooded my mind.

"Morning love." Newt's husky morning voice brought me out of my flashback and I looked up at him smiling.

"Goodmorning." I whispered back pressing a kiss to him gently, his lips were slightly swollen from last night but he looked adorable.

"You're with me in the gardens today." He whispered softly tugging the blanket up to my chest covering most of the areas reserved for him only.

"Sounds wonderful."

"Trust me, It'll be-" He started but was cut off by the door opening and Gally and Chuck walking in.

"THEY'RE SHUCKING!" Chuck screamed suddenly before running... Well more of a waddle-run away.

"Seriously?" Gally groaned before run in our as well leaving Newt and I looking horrified.

Quickly getting up, I snatched my clothes from the floor and pulled them on faster than I ever had before.

Newt was ready as quickly as I was and pulled me close pressing a kiss to my forehead before I went outside with him right behind me.

A group of the Gladers were gathered around as we walked out causing my cheeks to heat up.

"What did you need Gally?" Newt asked as he walked over to him, their voices fading as they walked a bit away from the group.

"So how was it?" Someone asked and I rolled my eyes as Chuck walked up to me smiling.

"What does he mean? How was what?" He asked looking around for an answer from someone.

"You'll know someday Chuck." Alby said as he started to get the group to disperse.

Chuck just nodded and looked up at me, his hands behind his back.

"What are you holding back there?" My voice came out softly and I let out a soft giggle as Chuck blushed.

"I thought you would like these." He said softly pulling his hands out and handing me a bouquet of flowers of all different colors.

"Chuck that's beautiful!" I exclaimed and took them hugging him gently as he smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked looking up at me, his brown curls resting messily on top of his head.

"Of course, what is it?" I asked softly smiling down at him.

"Were you and Newt really shucking?" He said so quickly I almost couldn't comprehend what he said.

My cheeks immediately went from their normal peach like color to a deep red and Chuck just giggled before running off.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now