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It only took Newt a second to read the note. He quickly pulled me into his arms allowing me to bury my face in his warm, welcoming chest.

"Hey hey, it's alright. We'll figure something out. I promise." He whispered pressing soft kisses to my forehead.

Sighing, I leaned into him allowing his arms to wrap tighter around me.

"I'm only like 17 Newt." I whispered into his chest and looked up at him shyly.

"I know, don't worry ok? We still should look for a couple more notes and see where it leads us." He cooed running his fingers through my long hair.

I nodded and nuzzled his chest taking deep breaths as he held me close.

"Do you have want to lay down for a bit?" He suggested as his knuckles kneaded at my back sending sparks through my body.

I nodded into his chest and he tilted my chin up and smiled, taking my hand and leading me up the steps.

We arrived in the room quickly, Newt had encouraged me to take a nap saying that everything would be ok although I knew it wouldn't.

Sleep finally took control and pulled me under.

I was floating in the dark.


No worries.

Until I was woken by kisses being pressed all over my neck.

Giggling, I rolled into Newt who was the one kissing me.

"Hey" He chuckled softly holding me tightly against his chest, heat radiating off of him keeping me warm.

"We have a special... Meeting today with the entire glade." He said, his voice laced with.... Worry? But he just smiled pressing more kisses down my neck.

"Mkay" I cuddled into him taking deep breaths as he buried his face in my shoulder.

"I love it when you do that" He murmured into my hair.

"Do what?" My voice came out muffled against his sold shoulder.

"That.... That cuddle thing." He said, his arms wrapping around me holding me tightly against him.

"This?" I teased and pushed myself farther into his chest nuzzling his collarbone.

"Yes- That's exactly it." He groaned in pleasure holding me close.

"Perfect-" I started but was cut off with a yelling from just outside the building.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now