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"Newt" A faint giggle escaped my lips as he continued kissing, nipping and sucking at different parts of my collarbone and neck.

"Yes love?" He murmured, his voice vibrated against my skin leaving sparks of happiness.

"I love you." I whispered as he pressed yet another kiss to a soft spot against my collarbone causing me to gasp.

"I love you too." He murmured as he continued to nip and suck on that spot causing a moan to escape my lips.

"You like that don't you?" He asked softly as he peeked at me, his eyes twinkling with desire.

"Mhm" Was all I could get out as he sent sparks of pleasure throughout my body.

A low chuckle came from him and he nuzzled my sweet spot spreading my legs apart slowly.

"Is this alright?" He whispered in between his heavy breaths.

I nodded and he smiled a bit before pressing a soft kiss to my jawline and then he started working at the buttons on my shirt.

"Newt" I stumbled out, his name coming out as more of a whimper than actual speech.

His fingers left a soft trail down my chest as he continued unbuttoning my shirt.

"Shhhhh.... I'll be gentle." He whispered brushing some hair off of my forehead. His fingers barely grazing my skin but yet it felt as if his entire body was there.

Nodding, I relaxed into the bed allowing Newt to take complete control of me.

His fingers finished the buttons and pulled my shirt off tossing it to the side.

"Your shaking." He murmured so low I almost didn't hear it.

"You make me nervous." I said in a whisper as his fingers grazed over my bare chest before he reached behind me and unclasped my bra.

"Now do I?" He whispered huskily, his accent prominent in his voice.

Nodding, I watched as he slid the bra off and pushed his own chest down ontop of me.

"Take some deep breaths love, your scaring me." He said and laughed softly, clearly nervous himself.

I giggled a bit and took a deep breath as he smiled down at me before pressing our lips together again.

My fingers hook around the hem of his pants tugging there gently.

"You can take them off love." He whispered into my ear as he started to unbutton mine.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered up all the courage I had and pulled them down as Newt pulled a blanket up to our waists.

I ran my hands along his hard chest, though he seemed pretty self conscience about himself I loved it.

He was absolutely amazing.

"You're shaking again Tide, calm down love." He cooed brushing more hair off my cheeks and forehead.

"I promise I won't hurt you. I'll be very gentle." He cooed pressing soft kisses along my collarbone before sucking on my 'sweet spot' causing a sudden moan to escape my lips.

"Newt" I whispered wrapping my legs around his waist as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side.

"I love you." He whispered softly before nipping at my earlobe causing another giggle to escape my lips.

"You are so bloody adorable." He said, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.

"Show me how adorable I am." My voice came out before I even thought about it and my cheeks immediately heated up.

"Really? You sure about that?" He whispered, his fingers stroking over my exposed abdomen, tickling me ever so lightly.

"Yes... Yes Newt." I whispered stuttering as I said so and within the next 20 seconds, the remainder of our clothes were discarded and scattered along the floor.

"I'm not done yet, I haven't even started." He whispered seductively as he pressed butterfly kisses down my neck.

I watched as he pressed another kiss to my nose before smiling a bit at me.

"Ready?" He whispered, I nodded and that was all he needed.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now