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The next morning, I woke up nestled into Newt. He was sleeping, his dirty blonde hair in all different directions making him look adorable and much younger than he already was.

Sitting up, I groaned softly before laying back down as everything around me went dizzy.

As I waited for the world... Well the Glade to stop spinning, Newt had woken up and pulled me closer.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly, his voice thicker and his accent even thicker with sleep.

"Just a bit lightheaded is all." I whispered looking up into his chocolate brown eyes and pressing a light kiss to his lips.

"Do you need to rest? I can go get Minho to tell him you need the day off." He said groggily still half asleep as he placed his right hand on my abdomen where our baby currently was.

"Don't worry darling, I'll be just fine." I pressed a light kiss to his nose which was slightly red from the cold morning air.

"I don't know, maybe you should go see Clint or Jeff. I'll go get them." He said clearly waking up more at my reluctance to stay with him for the day.

"Newt I'll be alright." I coped running my fingers through his shaggy blonde hair.

"I don't know love." He said softly looking down at me pulling me as closer as I could get to him.

"It's ok I promise. If anything happens Minho will be there anyways." I laughed softly as Newt nodded slowly.

"Please? I just don't want you getting hurt." He said worriedly nuzzling his face into my hair. His innocence and worries were adorable.

"Shhhhh... I'm not going to get hurt out there." I cooed running my fingers through his tousled blonde hair.

"I just want you to be in here where I can watch you." He said softly looking at me, his brown eyes filled with worry and concern.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. We can talk about baby names when I get back to." I cooed pressing a kiss to his nose and sat up, most of the lightheadedness gone.

"Just... be careful alright?" He asked softly pressing a light kiss to my lips as I pulled on a clean black T Shirt and tucked it into my shorts that went down just above my mid thighs.

The glade could get hot, a lot hotter when you're running all day.

Pulling my hair into a ponytail, I realized Newt had already folded all the blankets and put them into a near pile in the corner.

"All ready shank?" Minho appeared in the doorway, Newt behind him with a mug that looked to be filled with his favorite tea.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said following him out to the doors holding Newt's free hand as we walked.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now