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"Who are they?" I asked suddenly, pointing towards the guys running over out of the stone doors.

"Those are the runners." Blondie said, I started walking over towards them. The group quickly catching up.

"Woah woah there Greenie, you can't bother them until they finish mapping." A brunnette said grabbing my shoulder.

"Let 'er go over there and scare 'em. I wanna see how this goes down." Another boy said giving me a swift push.

A couple of people chuckled as I walked over to the group of guys drinking water and walking towards a building clearly out of breath.

One of them had black hair, tan skin and was really well built. He was talking to a few of his fellow 'runners' as I approached them. He was clearly the best looking out of them all.

Walking up behind him, I tapped him on the shoulder.

He jumped spinning around and pinning me down to the ground.

"Woah woah there- Calm down!" I exclaimed suddenly pushing my hands against his chest.

Blondie now stood next to us, the group laughing and talking.

"Greenie?" Runner guy questioned.

"Greenie." Blondie answered.

"So we've got ourselves a girl?" He asked getting himself off of me then taking my hands pulling me up to his feet.

I guess I'm the first girl here after all then.

Blondie nodded, "Everyone's been bloody callin' dibs on her."

"Well what do we do with her? She's gonna need some clothes... Like ... girl things..." He trailed off watching Blondie.

"Uhm, excuse me but you do realize I'm right here right?" I asked before stalking off away from them.

Everyone suddenly broke into an argument, mostly yelling about pissing me off and how I was going to kill them all in their sleep.

My stomach growled. Now where am I going to find anything to eat?

Climbing up a ladder that led to a small platform held cans of food. Perfect.

I watched as the guys continued arguing, some were tackling others to the ground as I sat on the wooden platform high above the ground.

I grabbed a spoon and a can that said "Chicken Soup" on it. Pulling the lid off I started to eat my "Chicken Soup". It tasted pretty good, it probably would've tasted better heated up.

"Where's the girl?" I heard someone yell, everyone turned, looking panicked as they looked around for me.

"There she is!" A short kid called pointing to me as I ate my soup.

They all quickly started to gather around the tree, Blondie looked up at me.

"You eatin' all our bloody food honey?" He asked somewhat sarcastically.

"No!" I yelled down throwing a can down at them hitting one kid who just grunted and fell to the ground.

"Leave me alone!" I called throwing another can down nearly hitting the runner kid in the head.

"Whoa whoa honey calm down!" Blondie called as everyone started holding wooden boards above their heads.

"Don't tell me what to do Blondie!" I yelled throwing a can at him hitting him in his crotch. He doubled over grasping it.

"Bloody shank get the girl down!" Blondie yelled groaning in pain.

"Ok, honey, can I come up without being hit with a can?" The runner kid asked walking over to the ladder, a board held over his head.

"Maybe... Maybe not." I said simply watching as he got closer.

"I'll take my chances." He said as he started climbing up the ladder.

Watching the kid carefully, I held a couple can close watching as he skillfully pulled himself up onto the board with me.

"Woah woah, don't throw those. I won't hurt you." He said taking my hands pulling the cans out of them and setting them behind me.

"Do you want to come down? I can get you some actual cooked food. Right over there-" He said as he pointed to a small building now far from where we were. He was looking at me somewhat worried that I would freak out on him and the other Gladers again.

I nodded slowly getting up, the wind blowing as the sun set. It started to get colder out as he went down the ladder as if his presence warmed me.

"I'll catch you." He called as he got onto the ground looking up at me.

I nodded jumping down into his arms, he caught me skillfully carefully setting me down.

"Is her rampage over?" Blondie asked walking over holding a bag of ice on his crotch.

"That was your fault." I said simply before walking over to the kitchen Runner kid pointed out.

A group of the gladers were in there, all of them eating some good looking cooked food. They all immediately stopped, looking up at me as if my presence affected them that much.

"Want something to eat or are you still throwing shuckin' cans?" One kid asked looking at me.

"I want some food." I said simply watching him before Blondie and Runner kid walked in.

"Here-" Blondie said tossing me some food wrapped in tinfoil.

Quickly opening it, I found that it held a delicious looking cheeseburger in it. Taking a big bite, everyone was still watching me.

"Well then- Someone seems to be enjoying their food." Blondie said taking a step closer.

"And you seem to have personal space problems hun." I said taking a step back quickly taking another bite of the heavenly tasting cheeseburger.

"What's your name?" He asked suddenly getting everyone's attention.


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