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His lips were soft, like a cloud. Though he quickly pulled away, I could still feel the ghost of his lips against mine.

"What was that?" I whispered looking up at him astonished by the sudden movement.

"A kiss." He murmured smiling before quickly moving back to his sleeping bag.

Still astonished by the gesture, I forced myself to lay down on the hard ground ever so slowly falling asleep.

"Tide wake up-" A deep voice said and I heard a couple chuckles from around me.

"What do you want?" I groaned not caring to open my eyes as I rolled over onto my side.

"You were snoring." The deep voice responded... Wait... That was Newt.

Newt, the man who kissed me last night. I could still feel that kiss as if his lips were still pressed against mine.

"Enjoyed last night that much?" He raised his eyebrows at me as he took my hands in his large ones.

"Shut up." I grumbled sitting up noticing all the other Gladers were up and working already.

"We wanted to let you sleep in." He answered my thoughts as he noticed my gaze.

Was this the same Newt I kissed last night? No- He kissed me. I did not kiss him.

"Fine fine- I'm hungry." I said looking up at him and he just chuckled and pulled me onto my feet pushing my hair behind my shoulders.

"Ok ok, you might want to get dressed first though." He said gesturing to my outfit of sweatpants and a half shirt.

"Wouldn't want anyone else to see you like that." He murmured causing me to shriek and shove him laughing.

"Be nice!" I exclaimed and laughed before pulling a box of clothes over.


Later that day, I had eaten and followed Newt around for most of the day as he showed me around the Glade. He didn't know what I would do to help everyone out by doing my part. I had told him I wanted to become a Runner like Minho but just shrugged it off saying that he would bring it up to Minho.

"For tomorrow, you'll be with Frypan in the kitchen and make breakfast, lunch and dinner with him." He said leading me over to the kitchen area.

"What if I set the kitchen on fire?" I questioned as we walked into the kitchen where everyone was sitting down and eating what looked like was pizza.

"Then Alby will probably kiss you, he hates this old thing." He teased rolling his eyes playfully as I laughed.

"Oh be nice to Alby- I bet he could kiss better than you can." I teased and he smirked stopping looking down at me.

"Is that a challenge?" He asked suddenly smirking down at me.

"No." I laughed and started running outside. The wind bit at my cheeks as I ran, my feet pounded against the grass, my hair flying back with the wind as I ran.

Suddenly, Minho appeared next to me, sprinting just as fast as I was.

"Tired yet?" He called out as I ran. I was going to prove myself to him. I was going to be a runner.

"Nope!" I called and started running faster, my heart pounding hard in my chest as he his laugh echoed up to me. He was close behind.

I laughed as his footsteps slowed down behind me, deciding not to show off more than I already was, I slowed down as well and turned to face him, jogging over to him.

"You alright there?" I teased and laughed as he chuckled along with me.

"You're one fast girl." He said as he bent over, catching his breath. I watched as the muscles in his shoulders tensed then relaxed as he took deep breaths.

"I know." I smirked walking back towards the kitchen area where everyone sat outside, many still eating as they watched me walk back, Minho's footsteps close behind me.

"Runner?" I heard someone question just as the crowd erupted into a commotion of shouts about whether or not I should become a runner or not.

"You're fast enough." Minho whispered into my ear as he stood next to me standing tall. Perfect. Minho, a runner himself, thinks I should become a runner.

"Alright bloody shanks everyone quiet down!" I heard Newt yell loudly, quieting everyone down. All attention was turned towards him and he turned to the crown before him and spoke.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now